Friday, October 16, 2009

Loving Yourself Is Loving Being You

Whenever you envy other people you hurt your self esteem, which after a time, can push you farther from the success you most assuredly deserve. This is because how we value ourselves determines how we handle life and evaluate our circumstances.

At times we let our feelings get hurt because of what we believe to be insensitive comments or actions against us by others, but many timeswe're more cruel to ourselves than anyone else has been toward us.

We need to look beyond the image of ourselves we see in the mirror and look inward to the person who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding, the way we do for our family members and even strangers who we've just met.

Some of us can be harder on ourselves than on anyone else can, so perhaps this is the very reason you find yourself envying others or not realizing the goals that you've set. Those who have achieved the success you desire to have for yourself didn't get where they are because they're smarter and more financially sound than you are. The one quality that all successful people share is the ability to look at their mistakes as stepping stones to their successes. Where others see failure, they instead see the process of elimination working to move them forward to the next step of understanding.

They don't waste time hating themselves or envying others. They don't whine and complain that everything is against them. THEY DON'T HAVE TIME! They're too busy having fun traveling the road of success. And they're too optimistic to look at hard times or a difficult background as a reason for not accomplishing what they desire. Instead, they see them as opportunities to achieve what they want, because they believe they deserve the best. They press forward no matter what and always finish the race.

If you're not achieving all that you desire, try believing in yourself. It's a great success booster and an ideal way to enjoy yourlife. Try it! You'll see what I mean.

One of Whitney Houston's songs says "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all." True enough. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you don't have. So not only will you have more success in life, you'll have better relationships as well. Success without others to share it with is lonely.

So stop thinking of yourself as a second-rate person. Forget the repetitive thought of "If only I was richer… if only I was thinner" and so on. Accepting your true self is the first step toward success. Everyone must avoid comparing themselves to others by loving who they are and appreciating the differences we all share.

Everyone has insecurities because no one is perfect. There will always be things we desire to change about ourselves, but life doesn't have to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.

With self esteem we can love ourselves while we make the improvements we can without having to shout to the whole world that we're perfect and the best. We don't need to be better than others to love ourselves, we just need to love being who we are without wanting to be anyone else.

Here hails that you’ve got
Yet from here to there the search
But the way your way you fought
And pave way another’s shoe-show

Wished you think yearn things out
Your roles and rays in that you’ve got
And using it a fine joy throughout
But learn only the important suite

What you’ve got is you
But other talents why loot
So many times your work’s undue
Yet the path do must pave un-tooth

A future yours your fight mesmerized
Though in others eyes you are socks
But persistence with patience memorize
For many in luck do find the bucks
Salau O John©

Working Your Job With A Touch Of Heart To Assist Management

Some of us get stuck in jobs that for one reason or another don't measure up to our expectations. There is always the option of changing jobs or careers, but it can take time. So what does one do in the meantime?

Many disgruntled employees take the direction of complaining and gossiping against their co-workers, the management team in place, and company policies. They complain at work and cause a stir, they go home and drown their families in their work issues at the dinner table and they call up their friends to let them know how miserable they are.

If this is a description of the way you deal with a job you're not happy with, there is a way to enjoy what you do while you speed up the process of finding the job or career you believe you deserve. Suppose for a moment that you could change what you don't like, or at least the worst elements on your list of grievances.

Now before you click away from this write-up, please give me a chance.

I might be able to help you turn a rather difficult circumstance into an experience of growth and character development, not to mention a great opportunity for advancement or promotion.

Here's what you can realistically do to make your time with any company you dislike a pleasant if not a profitable experience. You must first take responsibility for enjoying your work experience or for having difficulty with it. Successful people don't look at the problems in life, they look at how they can fix them. So many times management is blamed for the inability of employees who don't look to themselves as the possible source of their misery.

For example, look within yourself for solutions on how to get along with your coworkers. If you can see them as people not too different than yourself, you may see behind the tough facades they've created in order to get through their days. But whatever you do, don't concentrate on their flaws. Look at their assets. For those persons of dubious character, be professional and office friendly in order to maintain your daily work, but keep them at bay on a personal level.

Think of ways to help your fellow employees, if that's a possibility, and learn to smile often, even when you feel like screaming. It will help you remain in control under difficult circumstances and give you the ability to have better concentration.

As you practice letting go of negative feelings in the workplace, you'll find your workload a little easier, more pleasant to accomplish, of greater quality with completion times faster, and you will receive more praise and recognition. However, a job well done at your best level should be sufficient and beyond any of the accolades of your management and co-workers.

Continue this effort on a daily basis and you may find yourself with a promotion or raise. However, one thing is certain. As you put forth your best efforts and stop complaining, you'll find the door for greater opportunity opening wide in areas of interest you may have just developed or to match the talents your current job can't always utilize to the degree of fulfillment you need to complete your dreams.

I encourage you to never voice the negativity that comes to your mind when you get upset at work. Instead, build a strong foundation of positive words to think or voice and you'll develop a lifelong habit of building a successful life rather than tearing it down. Who knows, you might be able to turn your current job into a career.

Doing that known is smart-work
Doing what you’re told is hard-work
Becoming smart is becoming great
And working hard makes you fret

Smart-work is that needed to grow
But most have walked in hard-work
Which is that your heart flow?
For many are dying without luck

You need search the leaders above
None work too hard but really smart
For knowledge they procure to revolve
And only smartness they tray themselves

Hard-work has been but slavery
For many had thought its leadership
Though no humans like dictatorship
We are made of smartness songs
Salau O John©

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Living Life To Love Life

If you ever feel as if life has lost it's luster and it's just not that much fun anymore, consider the possibility that perhaps you stopped living it some time ago. Do you really want to get to the end of your life and feel as if you missed out on living? No, I didn't think so. I know you've been wanting to have more fun and feel as if life isn't passing you by.

Once we become adults, our lives become a series of events, scheduled into a routine that can leave little time for excitement and fun. But I beg you to consider a walk in the evening, a visit to an old mansion or an friends place on a Sunday afternoon or an escape to a distant shore where you can rise early in the morning just to hear the surf hit the rocks.

Oh, these are just a few ideas, but I promise if you take a little time to think about what would make your life come alive, you could come up with more interesting ideas than these. Perhaps you would like to visit the children's wing at your local hospital and clownaround in costume, blowing up balloons and making sick children laugh.

There's always the Beach to play around, or maybe your local theater is tempting you with a lead acting role.

We weren't put on earth just to survive. Most of us have to work to earn a living, but all the time? We have to live and experience the wind against our faces like we did as children riding our first bike.

We need to feel the softness of sand surrounding our feet while we watch a tiny crab disappear in muddy waters. All the simple pleasures of childhood should still be ours today. There is so much left to experience, to taste, and to learn.

Living life doesn't have to be complicated. You don't have to parachute out of an airplane or dive off the top of a mountain cliff into treacherous waters to feel alive, although you can if you want to. But there are simple ways to experience life, such as walking your dog every evening, dancing with your spouse or your children or listening to your favorite music on top of the highest mountain you can climb or even going to the club or parties with your friends.

Get off your computer and take that cell phone out of your ear. You can create exciting adventures with just a little time stolen from daily pursuits such as watching the same television shows, complaining about nothing important, or overeating because it's become a habit you find difficult to break.

You are the king or queen of your world. Reign over your life with an edict of fun, adventure and excitement. You'll live longer, love better, and you'll be better at everything you do. In short, you'll become more passionate about life with the realization that it's too precious to waste, and too valuable to let slip through your fingers.

Whenever you're asked the proverbial question, "where has time gone?" You'll be able to exclaim that you're too busy having fun to notice.
Love your life enough to live it and you'll never grow old!

Salau O John

Just Be Yourself And All Will Be Great?

I was told as a child and youth, "just be yourself" whenever I felt nervous about meeting new people, speaking in front of my classmates, or applying for a job I wanted but felt insecure about getting. It was a nice gesture to pacify me, but their attempt at encouragement left me more confused than ready to take on a new challenge.

Those same persons had also generally reinforced in me that I was too quiet, too loud, not engaging enough, too fat, and too poor a communicator to ever succeed in life because at the time I had a stuttering problem. They also complained that I lacked confidence and needed to have more self-esteem. Those comments certainly caused me to spend some time wondering what part of myself I was suppose to utilize when there was so little good to work with for success.

After careful consideration I came to realize that most people don't really know what they're saying when they tell someone to be themselves. The only way it can have meaning and purpose is if the person giving that instruction approves of the person they give it to and believes in them. Telling someone "to be yourself" must be backed with honesty and truth.

So whenever someone tells you to "be yourself" you should only take their advice if you're sure they approve of you and believe you're about to take part in a situation you can handle. Otherwise, they may be giving you poor advice. Especially if you don't intend to use enough wisdom to assess what you're about to do and plan accordingly.

For example, if you're about to make a business proposal to a group of executives for their financial backing and you go before them dressed "as yourself" in casual jeans, a t-shirt and tennis shoes while they're dressed in conservative business suits, being yourself a hundred percent is probably going to work against you. And if they're as conservative as they appear, you had better speak in a professional manner or your contemporary speaking style may turn them off sooner than your casual attire does.

It's important to be ourselves, but in order to be compatible with certain types of people for the best communication to take place; we have to modify our appearances and behaviors somewhat while we present our true inner qualities through our actions and verbal content.

Let's face it; you can only be your best at the moment from what you know. So if your "real self" doesn't get you what you're seeking after, you must use the negative experiences in your life to positively alter and refine your behavior for specific situations.

This is how we develop ourselves and grow. By looking at the phrase, "just be yourself" logically, we should always take final responsibility for our actions and ability to succeed. Don't put that responsibility on someone else or you'll blame them if you fail and you'll never grow.

By "just being ourselves," we won't see any reason for personal development and little reason to go after the dreams we desire because our "real selves" if undeveloped, will keep us from having the courage to reach beyond what we know at the moment to achieve fulfillment.

So the next time someone tells you to "just be yourself' think very carefully if that's really good advice or if you need to make some changes that will not only benefit you, but will help you to make an honest, yet successful presentation of yourself and your plans. Look to yourself in order to be yourself and success will follow.

Have you ever seen the clouds?
When the darkness parades the earth
Have you ever died inside out?
And felt like darkness in vision

You know the road but time
You see the dreams but finance
And you cry why in the prime
Like a child in search of friendship

The actions to take hold you
The things to do boil you
And many days questions probe
But many have tried this blob

The project must come to pass
For all men are purpose born
The light must shine to last
But it’s up to you carrying it
Salau O John©

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


You need to know what you want in life, how to achieve it and make it happen. It is very important that you know this, and after you’ve known it, you must train to become it. Life, they say, is all about choice, and the choices we make determine where we are going.

You have to make a difference from the mediocre of this life through creating your own path to follow and exercise your talent or vision.

It has been said that “practice makes perfect”, but before you can start practicing you need to make good research and ask questions in what you want to work in so that you can be at your best.

Cultivate the habit of wanting to know more about yourself and your calling in life; be curious in your own ways to move forward!

What are you in this life for? Are you happy with it for? You need to be happy with yourself and whatever you are doing because without happiness you can’t make anybody else you meet on your way to greatness happy; you can’t give what you don’t have.

Whatever you will become in life depends on you and your happiness with what you are doing right now; so get happiness on your way forward and do what you are happy doing for your life to be vital.

There is so much to learn in this life but you need to be focused in whatever you want to become in life.

Being focused will help you to become an achiever, and it takes success in one thing before you can move on to another.

If you are not focused you will live a life of not knowing where you are going or make the mistake that will end up making you lose time, energy, etc, even your life.

No matter what you are aiming for in life, there are hurdles that you must face; your outcome determines your achievement.

Life is full of ups and downs; everybody goes through the process of tests. Facing, passing these tests makes the difference in what you will be in the future. Success is no success without its problems to face and win.

When you fall, it offers a lesson for a better growth only if you will not give up the challenge or stay down where you fell.

Face your challenges daringly and continue to move forward in life to become what you want to be!

Nothing limits the potentials vested in all humans, but we all need to understand that we alone set the limits to which we can go in life. Our fathers, mothers, friends, cultures, country, etc., got nothing to do with it.

The only frontier is us, because the human mind has no frontier. The day you get to the stage of self-realization that’s when you’ll discover that God has deposited in you what no other person can fathom or do better than you.

We can make anything happen and become whatever we want to be in life, if only we can understand that there is no limit to what we can achieve or become in life.

We are co-achievers and co-creators with God through the limits we set for ourselves in this life.

Thinking; this many do not put their hearts to. It has been the limitation and determent of moving forward to become an achiever in life.

Thinking helps you make the right decision in life, to progress. It gives answers to your problems before you venture into making any mistake. It helps you to analyze your way forward and keeps you going in idea and ideal creation.

Everybody needs time off to make the right decisions that will help in becoming what they want to be in life.

Just start thinking of ideas that will help you become what you want to be in life. Every problem has a solution; rather than complaining; think and move in the right direction for your success!

Patience is no virtue; you must build and cultivate it. You need to learn to be patient and to use it when it is necessary, when you know it is time to strike or come out with the vision that is in you. Everything has got their time, including knowing when to come out with your goal and mission on earth.

You have to live above the mundane in this life. Believe in the impossible, because only your belief matters in making it in this life.

You may need to break some laws, cultural barriers, some of the things you know and grow up with that are limiting you; your own promises of failure to become what you want to be. Just make sure you do everything right after careful considerations!

The Book: You Can Make It
Out in all Leading Book Shops Nation wide
From: Treasured1 Creative Ideas Int. Publishing
ISBN 978-978-978-088-340-9
By: Salau O John


The Divine Life Of The Daring Dreamer

Lately I keep hearing and reading the same warning that when we continue in life the same way, we're going to get the same results. I didn't pay much attention at first because this profound wisdom can go either way, for positive or negative, and I didn't feel my life was going in a negative direction. But then I started thinking about it. I began to reflect upon my life as it is today to make sure that I wasn't bound by negative patterns that are detrimental for my continued success. After careful examination I concluded that I am happy. I love my life, my family and the work I do.

I felt satisfied at first that I loved my life the way it is exactly and wouldn't change a thing. But then a tiny thought grew into a concern that perhaps I have become complacent. I began to wonder if I'm so satisfied with my life that I'm not pushing my limits for new growth.

My next thought was to wonder how I can know for sure if I'm on the right path or if I've drifted somehow. Should you be curious as well, I've included the following information that will help you know if you might need to make some adjustments in your character to insure you live the fullest life possible.

Here are some steps that might give you clarity about whether or not you're open to new ideas, actions, relationships, personal and business endeavors.

First, listen to your thoughts. Do you fight against clear mental reasoning about specific actions you're taking. For example you may be spending too much time in one area of enjoyment, such as a hobby, and not putting enough time into keeping up with your career skills. You may be close to obtaining a promotion, but so might your coworker who has honed their skills better than you have or they have more knowledge about the latest technologies pertinent to your career.

Another sign is when you stop listening to your inner guidance and turn your back on warnings, insights, and opportunities to co-create with God.

Complacency will cause you to be so comfortable in your life that you'll lose the greater aspects of what it was meant to become. You can lose your best life by falling into bad times or ill health from not listening to your heart. You can lose it by not understanding situations and people with clarity. And you may lose your dreams or perhaps the better part of them out of laziness to push yourself, or because you fear new ideas and innovations that God has given you to enjoy and to become financially successful.

Having little faith in yourself and God will keep you from ever going beyond what you can see. Believing you're stuck within a certain lifestyle and accepting that it's the best you'll ever have, ties God's hands on your behalf to give you more. By believing in God's divine power to assist you in your life's work, you'll grow faith in yourself to accomplish all the dreams that God has put into your heart.

It's never easy to tread on new ground, but the dreamers of this world know that the rewards of becoming attune and available to God through inner guidance are so immense and astonishing, and with a power that is so great, that they can see what is to come before it has even manifested.

If you want to insure that your life will never go astray of all it was meant to be, make sure that you do one thing. Don't hang out with people who are small and who judge you on your past experience, but rather than the person God has made you today. Instead, hang out with people who dare to change the world with new and innovative ideas and creations. Hang out with God and He'll show you the way.


The first time is never easy
It was meant for your going up
Aspiring high the second time
Shows you’ve learn a lesson
And life is more joyful with
Its ups and down

Get acquainted with your problems
The facts of life are easily diluted
If only you will accept them as
They come
Facing them and wining

The first has come and gone
Now the second is here
Do it better and be tough!
Salau O John©

Living Your Life Your Way

Pleasing the masses is the goal of many, as they seek daily approval from people they may or may not even like, rather than pleasing themselves. They think, speak and act in ways they believe will give them the best possible life, all the while avoiding that important voice from deep within reminding them of an unfulfilled life that's begging to be lived.

No one would take a wrong path if they had a clear picture of how their life should go, but life just kind of happens to people when they're not taught to be aware of who they are and what they truly enjoy. So many people are confused about their identity, they aren't able to set their children in the direction of their dreams, thus perpetuating a legacy of living life for the world instead of for themselves.

Most young people don't have a clue what they should do with their lives, even though they're on the precipice of decision making that will effect their lives forever. As a result, they pass on more altruistic goals for the creation of a "lifestyle" rather than a life of self-expression and true fulfillment.

Instead of listening to their hearts, they beckon to the loud roar of having money for the sake of self-esteem, prestige to impress those they envy or despise, and an intellectual capacity to impress rather than to make a difference. But as I've said, one can hardly blame a person for falling into such traps, especially when the world gives such low priority to inner guidance and strength to pursue one's dreams no matter what it takes.

We're constantly getting mixed messages about being true to ourselves or not putting money at the center of our lives, yet at the same time we're deluged with information that implies the importance to be "somebody" through fame and riches which come from endeavors more self-serving than a lifetime dream fueled by passion and great expectation to make the world better.

So is money wrong? Is it evil? And are we to believe that to desire fame is shallow?

Well, I certainly can't deny that money is a necessary commodity. We can't live without it in modern society. So it can't be evil if it's necessary, but it shouldn't be the goal that leads us to our dreams.

It will probably lead us astray and usually away from what will give our work the most enjoyment and excitement. When we follow our hearts, money will naturally follow and perhaps fame, but it won't be necessary. The satisfaction from work we enjoy will be enough.

It's often difficult to trust putting money last, especially in times when the economy is difficult, but no matter what your age, you can have it all, career or business, fulfillment, excitement and wealth when you keep your priorities clear. When this happens opportunities will abound through a focused vision and knowledge of who you are as opposed to who you're trying to be.

Keep learning and keep building your dream while you keep your path toward your promised land instead of someone else's.

So many do know the road
So many do have their plans
But how many are truly bold?
The time and days beckons on men

The suffering of leadership waylays
The pangs of being burns hearts
But where are the walk and says
The place trays its place truly alert

There’s a place for real freedom
There’s a chance in Gods kingdom
But how many walk in true vision?
There’s a chance for changing mission

The place stands alert for time
The road awaits the kings crossing
But not all can truly align
For those at their place gets crowned
Salau O John©

Monday, October 12, 2009

Defining Success

A lot of people talk about success as though it's something concrete – like something you can touch or feel. In reality, it is transitory and can be defined any way you want. When I was younger, I never really questioned the artificial construct of success created by Lagos letropolitan market square, which involved the usual material trappings of fashion, big houses and fancy cars.

Later, as I became educated in professional writing and researching, I wondered if it was healthy to have my mind, thoughts, and values influenced by television commercials and billboards which were basically fishing lures cast by men in suits fishing the vast ocean of consumerism for bites. They were basically defining and selling happiness, for a price.

Rather than rely on the lagos big men trends and your friends to define your definition of success for you, look deep inside for what you want. Also, realize that you are already successful now since you are alive and you had what it took to be alive now, and imagine that you are already where you want to be.

It may sound odd, but research has shown that the wealthiest and most influential people had a mindset different from what you were probably taught in school. Instead of thinking they had to earn their right to have self esteem or feel happy through accomplishment, they started out imagining that they were already in the mansion before they had a penny.

This is a philosophy that Robert Allen, author of the One Minute Millionaire refers to a lot. Allen has been featured on television many times and is famous for picking people out of unemployment lines and homeless shelters, mentoring them and seeing them transform themselves into millionaires within months.

Ironically, I am finding myself having more success both financially and personally when I detach happiness from achievement and focus on being happy with what I have now.

In the past, I was taught the opposite: that you had to earn your happiness; that you had to prove yourself before you could have self esteem. This attitude caused me to struggle, feel empty, and it basically wore me out.

Starting with the attitude that happiness is not something you pursue, but something that's already there if you let go of all the mind chatter coming from external influences, is what gave me the energy and vitality to make things happen.

If you think this way, success starts to come naturally as your positive energy attracts more positive people and opportunities seemingly pop up out of the blue.

In thinking about definitions of success, I also started to think about the obsession with goals which I had pushed on me a lot during school. Let's say you achieve your goal, how long would your satisfaction last before you would need to achieve another.

New cars, new fashions and new definitions and standards of success and attractiveness always change. Would keeping on top of this make life one long treadmill of infinite wanting? When would it end? Would it be successful to go crazy in a state of constant pursuit?

If adhering to the "corporate" image of success drives you, by all means go with that. However, true success could be defined as happiness. Not just for the individual, but for man kind. It is usually a lack of happiness that creates conflict in the world and the world can be changed only one person at a time and it starts with you.


Salau O John
Poet, Teacher, Speaker and Published Writer