Thursday, February 4, 2010

Are Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem the Same Thing?

This is the question I am asked time and time again – which just goes to show how important we value self-esteem and self-confidence. The short answer to the question is 'no'. Self-esteem refers to how you judge yourself. Self-confidence comes from the specific things that you do. This means that the more you do a particular action, the better you will become at doing it, and the more self-confidence you will have … in that particular action.

Can you have low self-esteem and high self-confidence, or vice versa? Hmmm. Well, I have known people who, when in a social situation flatly refuse to open their mouths and yet, in a business environment are the most self-assured people you could meet. Generally speaking, though, self-esteem and self-confidence tend to go hand-in-hand.

The problem with low self-esteem is that it can be very debilitating. It can stop you from even trying something new … for fear of failure. And if you are afraid to get started, how can you become good at it?

Consider these self-esteem issues:
* No appreciation of what you can do.
* No recognition or respect for your own abilities, potentials and value.
* Placing no importance on your strengths and not trusting in them.
* No acceptance of your limitations.
* No acceptance of these limitations or understanding that some limitations can be overcome.
* Being worried and concerned with what you imagine others think of you.
* Having no real sense of who you are.

Perhaps I should point out here that EVERYONE has self-esteem issues at some point in their life! However, if you have personal power, you will also have more than your fair share of self-esteem and self-confidence.

So what is it that determines whether or not we have high self-esteem? Our childhoods. Self-esteem begins with the responses that we get from our parents, siblings, teachers and peers when we're growing up.

Those responses are tied into our sex: boys are praised for their achievements, and so they grow up with a sense of self based on how well they master tasks; girls are praised for pleasing others, and so they grow up with a sense of self based on how well they establish and maintain relationships.

As you can see, it is relatively easy for a child to grow up with either a very high, or very low, sense of self. The child then becomes an adult who carries a belief system which may be entirely unfair.

The responses to which children are subjected as children are largely responsible for irrational beliefs - the largest contributors of low self-esteem. They are:
* I must be loved, or at least liked, and approved by every significant person I meet.
* If I am to be worthwhile, I must be completely competent, make no mistakes, and achieve in every possible way.
* Some people are bad and wicked and they should be blamed and punished for this.
* It is dreadful, nearly the end of the world, when things don't go how I'd like them to.
* Unhappiness, including mine, is caused by factors outside my control, so I can do little about it.
* If something might be unpleasant or frightening, I should worry about it a great deal.
* It's easier to put off something unpleasant or difficult than it is to face up to it.
* I need to depend on someone stronger than myself.
* My problems were caused by events in my past, and that's why I have problems now.
* I should be very upset by other people's problems and difficulties.

Is self-esteem really important? Of course!
High self-esteem allows you to cope with whatever comes along. It gives you the skills to face whatever happens in your life.

High self-esteem gives you the courage to try new things and a willingness to "have a go".

High self-esteem allows you to make good judgements and decisions – and not worry about what other people might think or say.

If you are reading this because you don't have any self-esteem, then let me assure you it is possible to develop it! That's personal experience speaking, by the way. I grew up with less than zero self-esteem thanks to my parents, became a teenager with zero self-esteem thanks to being good at sport and arts (so the self-confidence developed) BUT as an adult, I resolved to change. Truly, that's all you need … the resolve to change.

If you are resolved to change, then check out my next article because I will be giving you some guidelines.

If you are a parent who would like to boost the self-esteem of your children (or even somebody else's), then some tips will appear in a week or two …. so please come back.

Just remember this: someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
Hated by the world no lie
But here lies who you are
Although loved for what you are not
Try to tray not in another person’s sir

Where lies your footprint
No greatness in idle inhibition
And your power lies not in another’s track
For inhibition stands a limitation

Your own steps only must ply
For the world waits your impression
And that which mars stands only if untried
For your impression lies your promotion

What you are is what you are
Though the world you may hate
But all these the world do fear
And you are what you are only in your impression
Salau O John©

Everybody’s got potentials
Check out which is yours
When you know your ability
Then you’ll have agility
When you find your responsibility
Then you’ll feel responsible
This is not poetic justice

But the truth from true critic
Never say it’s over
When it’s only the beginning
You have a goal to achieve
Before your time

Never try the short cuts
It’s sometimes a way backward
Time and tide may not wait
Only if you wait will you know
Just be yourself
Salau O John©

Here hails that you’ve got
Yet from here to there the search
But the way your way you fought
And pave way another’s shoe-show

Wished you think yearn things out
Your roles and rays in that you’ve got
And using it a fine joy throughout
But learn only the important suite

What you’ve got is you
But other talents why loot
So many times your work’s undue
Yet the path do must pave un-tooth

A future yours your fight mesmerized
Though in others eyes you are socks
But persistence with patience memorize
For many in luck do find the bucks
Salau O John©
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

What Are Your Values About Life?

The values you set for yourself in life should be critically important to you and all others in your life. The way you were raised as a child should be a reflection of what those values are like today. I sometimes wonder today if people really care about what kind of values they live by. It seems that our society today seems less caring about what kind of life's values they live by.

Just recently I read an article in a senior citizen's newsletter that really concerned me about this particular subject. The article was about a male senior citizen who was now involved in an extramarital relationship and who thought his affair was perfectly legitimate.

Here's the real shame of the whole story. His wife was now in the late stages of Alzheimer's disease and even though he wasn't interested in a divorce he believed this affair was right for him to be in. What is even a bigger shame was his friends and children even endorsed this affair.

As far as I know all marriage vows include the words "for better or for worse until death do we part". Maybe he forgot that pledge and was only interested in his own personal satisfaction. People have to realize when faced with challenges in their lives that the values they set for themselves should create the support they need to survive them.

I may not married but soon the bells will cling, yet with all that I have seen, gleaned and pass through though, I believe values can be holding unto and I can say I've tried to live up to some pretty strong ones. I believe that is how I've kept myself and my relationship for going.

There's a chart I came across on the Internet recently that may be of interest to you. See how you stand on all of life's values. Take time to assess your life's values. See if there are areas you would like to improve. If you would like to know more about this subject you can reach me at or comment to:

The heart is the power of obedience
Though some men in conscience have died
Faithfulness stands out sounding motivation
For the same cause Christ bled and sigh

Here wails the waiting of hope
For many in kindred mind bled
What lays in store our line?
For the flesh and the spirit do fled

Where are the faithful?
The world of dying men do pine
Where sound the untold stories?
All men in selfishness do shine

To love is faithfulness
And to be is truthfulness
But our worlds undo woes
And pray for power in kindness
Salau O John©

Troubles will try the heart away
But get away from the people to God
And stop, listen; a word he’ll say
Worry not but plant in the Lord

The sky is the worlds’ limit
But in God I sail your burden
For isolated in Him, you’re fit
And known a path alight open

See thou the stars with scars
Your limitation your burden
God lays the imagination so far
But thou must see, buying concern

O for the heart, God understands
Ah! The manifold blessings of God
How great they are, greater than sand
See beyond the physical, but the Lord
Salau O John

Thought change is attitude corrected
And attitude brought about altitude
Yet many things yoked dejected
But that alight burrow fortitude

Thoughts make the world possible
Though changes are hard to tie
But a correct turning, a credible
Even when all things want sigh

With your thoughts comes your doing
And with the mind wears all change
For the power to form lays your going
Though the world, a friend thy strange

Here hope coping change thoughts
For the lesson you ought taught
Here comes the heaving, your heart
But that change yours to chart
Salau O John©
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