Friday, September 18, 2009


There is nothing in the world great in any way but man, there is nothing truly great in man but is character. Character is the sum total of ones qualities which distinguishes one person from the other? A gentleman’s first characteristic is the fineness of structure in his body, fineness fitted by his nature.”

A person with an unselfish charitable and generous impulse, sociable, loving, kind, of tender heart with thoughts of others will always be universally loved because he is a light bearer, someone with human feelings.

A true man of character, a gentleman is God’s servant, the world’s master. Virtue is his business; study, his recreation; contentment, his rest; and happiness, his reward. God is his father; Jesus Christ, his Savior; the saints, his brethren; and all that are in need of him are his friends. Devotion is his chaplain; chastity, his chamberlain; sobriety, his butler; temperance, his cook; hospitality, his housekeeper; Providence, his steward; charity, his treasurer; piety, his mistress of the house; and discretion, his porter, to let in or out, as most fit. Thus is his whole family made up of virtue, and he is master of the house. He is necessitated to take the world on his way to heaven, and he walks through it as fast as he can, and all his business by the way is to make himself and others happy. Take him in this word—a man and a Christian make character.

Character itself should be to an individual a paramount end, simply because the existence of this ideal nobleness of character, or of a near approach to it, in any abundance, would go further than all other things toward making human life happy, both in the comparatively humble sense of pleasure and freedom from pain, and in the higher meaning of rendering life not what it now is, almost universally puerile and insignificant, but such as every human being with highly developed faculties would desire to have. And this, every man is to work at: Though our character is formed by circumstances, our own desires can do much to shape those circumstances; and what is really inspiriting and encouraging in the doctrine of free will is the conviction that we have real power over the formation of our own character; our will, by influencing some of our circumstances, being able to modify our future habits or capacities of willingness.

Character distinguishes one man from the other, it portrays the style of living one engages in, the kinds of friends one have. It is the sum total of all our living on earth, for he who possess the qualities of a servant his he who can lead. These qualities are not of those who are servants in the real sense of the word but those who understand the traits of leadership – traits that treats others like they would love to be treated in respect and understanding not minding if the person to be respected is a peasant farmer or just an ordinary laborer, one who gives recognition to heavenly humbleness and respect.

Character is a quality that needs to be imbedded in all individually; it is something that we all must know and train ourselves to achieve the height of. No human having met a man of true worth in character ever wishes not to know the personality. And many at times we forget the price of a good character which the art of studying, understanding one’s self, practicing the right traits that can only lead to confidence, as they say “knowledge beget knowledge” and “the pen is mightier than the sword”, but a man of character is first a man of knowledge and wisdom in areas that he has taught himself without the prying eyes of anyone; in isolation.

Basically, failure comes to all through the trainings that they have had while growing; the coxing of adults and parents for the sake of love. Not that they do not want success but the facts still stands that everyone on earth is learning to become and it is not easy for all to understand the way for teaching characteristic traits that will build the child rightly. We are prone to mistakes and shortcoming which sometimes makes us believe that whatever we are learning is not easy to grasp.

Character; how can this leadership trait be developed, how can we find one who is capable of teaching it and showing facts that can help to make it a life in all? We have seen leaders who fail and have always seen those who when we see them we wish they can be our friend or teacher, to help us learn what makes people wants to be like them.

The greatest mishap that can happen to anyone is to have no friend on this earth; the sorrows of no love, the pains of non to comfort one, and the heart ache of not knowing a better way to live to the fullest all the joys that is seen in others face.

Some would do anything to get a single dose of another persons love and laughter, even not minding killing for it. Haven’t you seen or notice that some robbers only steal merely because of someone they love, and there are many who are merely working because they feel that it is the only way to be happy.

Basically, happiness does not come through hard work, luck or any other means but by the practice put in place to become what a person his looking for and in inculcating a gentleman’s trait – Traits of love, kindness, respect, humbleness, generosity, understanding, wisdom and the fear of God.

What would a man not give for character that would lift him up above his fellow man, but everything he has? Everyone wants to be recognized, appreciated, praised, loved, and to have a following by people, but this can only come through a thoroughly learned, applied and built character.

You can find no love in the world until you start showing that you care for someone, nor can you make any friend until you start to be friendly yourself. Every aspect of life is something that must be built and the best way to become whatever in this world is by building that outstanding behavior called “Character”.

One act of love or giving charity will teach us more of the love of God than a thousand sermons preached in a church.

Character is build up, by our choices and our refusals? We select from life what we choose. We resemble insects which assume the color of the leaves and plants they feed upon because sooner or later we become like the food of our minds, like the creatures that live in our hearts. Every act of our lives, every word, every association, is written with an iron pen upon the very texture of our inner being.

If youths were to start out in the world with a fixed determination that they will make no statement but the exact truth; that every promise shall be redeemed to the letter; every appointment kept with the strictest faithfulness, and with holy regard for other men’s time; if they should hold their reputation as priceless treasure, feeling that the eyes of the world are upon them, that they must not deviate a hair’s breadth from the truth and right—if they should take such a stand from the beginning—they would come to have the almost unlimited confidence of all mankind.

What we are to be really, we are now potentially. As the future of the tree lies hidden in the seed, so in the present stands our future. Our success will be, can be, but a natural tree, developed from the seed of our own sowing; the fragrance of its blossoms and the richness of its fruitage will depend upon nourishment absorbed from our past and present situations or experiences.

The first requisite of all education and discipline should be MAN-TIMBER. Tough timber must come from well-grown, strong trees. Such wood can be turned into a mast, can be fashioned into a piano, or an exquisite carving. But it must become a timber first.

Time and patience develop the sapling into the tree. So, through discipline, education, experience, the sapling child is developed into hardy mental, moral, physical timber. The only real success worthy of the name is that which comes from a consciousness of growing wider, deeper, higher, in mental and moral power, as the years go on. To feel the faculties expanding and unfolding—this is the only life worth living.

What will our future be but what we make it? Our purpose will give it character. A person’s resolution is his prophecy. There is no bright hope, no great outlook, for the person who is not inspired by a strong purpose, which alone is the true judge of his maturity.

If you infuse into the purpose with which you follow the various employments and professions of life, no matter how humble they may be, the sense of beauty, pleasure, and harmony, you will be transformed at once from an artisan to an artist. Any discontent you feel with the work you are compelled to do come from your doing it in the spirit of toil. Do it in the spirit of a master, with a perception of the beauty which is imbedded in all honest work, and the toiling will disappear in delight. It is the spirit in which we work, not the work itself, which lends dignity to labor – the study of books, of music, or of the fine arts is not essential to a superior character. It rests with the workman whether a rude piece of marble shall be designed into a horse-block or carved into anything desirable. It is yours, if you choose to develop a spiritual form more beautiful than any of these, instinct with immortal life, refulgent with all the glory of character. The power of great thoughts and splendid sentiments to refine the face and manner, to lift man above his surroundings, is marvelous.

These are illustrated in the faces of great scientists, great reformers, and great statesmen.” The body is but a servant of the mind. A well-balanced, cultured, and well-disciplined intellect reacts very powerfully upon the physique, and tends to bring it into harmony with itself. On the other hand, a weak, vacillating, one-sided, unsteady, and ignorant mind will ultimately bring the body into sympathy with it. Every pure and uplifting thought, every noble aspiration for the good and the true, every longing of the heart for a higher and better life, every lofty purpose and unselfish endeavor, reacts upon the body, makes it stronger, more harmonious, and more beautiful.

Building character is an act of discipline, a lesson that must be put in place while growing up, studying and understanding the use of applying learned knowledge to situations. Most times the building of character in itself is a major constrain in that most do not know what they really are looking for in life and he who has no knowledge of his destination in life finds it difficult knowing which road to take, all roads will seem the only possible rout to take there.

In frankness, education is not the ultimate to character building but understanding of what a person really wants to be, or the acts a person would deeply love to have, because in reality character is a behavioral pattern of action becoming a live style chosen by a person to be lived. It behooves a man to cultivate, learn and practice the acts of tenderness, love, devotion to God, understanding human relationship, a giving attitude, curtsy, respect, humbleness, and honesty in all things to be liked by all. Although some would doubt this, but why is it that some people receive more recognition and devotion than others in this world due to just what they do in helping others and showing concern for humanity.

It is a fact that some are not doing anything good in reality to get all the recognitions but have you noticed that they are still beyond our thinking minds, generous in a way that gives them the right to get ahead, even though where there generosity lies is in where they will gain something back; they get at least what they wanted which is important to them.

You can build an enviable character that will lead to a following by people of you, but you must practice and build your habits to it, for habits is the mother of character.

The Book: Overcoming The Fear of Failure
From: Treasured1 Creative Ideas Int. Publishing
By: Salau O John

Thursday, September 17, 2009


It has often been said that, “the people you know matters in life”, and the same applies to any relationship, especially that dealing with the matters of the heart.

Anyone who must have friends must be friendly and only birds of a feather flock together. Life is all about relationship and relationship only comes through friendship or it’s nurtured by it.

We all do need friends in life, friends who will be there in times of need, comfort etc. as we go on in life our friendship level changes, some friends are good to hold unto while others we will have to let go of; but the truth of the matter is that, to have a good relationship, it must all begin from friendship.

A friend is one who tells you the truth no matter what; a person who knows your faults but loves you anyway, helping you to curb it or finding ways to help you become that which God has listed for you by focusing on your strong points, not one who tries to manipulate you for what you have or you can offer.

Friendship is sharing warmth and intimate relationship with someone you like and trust. It forms an integral part of a young person’s life because it helps him transform from childhood to adulthood. It provides the chance for acquiring experiences, building self-identity, conflict management skills and interpersonal communication; it’s a very vital ingredient during adolescence and throughout life. Friendship does not involve sex. You must know how to choose and find strong and good friends to be with.

You must work hand-in-hand to build a successful relationship. Never take a friend for granted. To have a friend, you must be a friend yourself and making friends is very easy if you can follow these rules:

You should be the kind of person who ventures into understanding others and not just yourself. Love and like others even though it may not be your culture, it will help you in the end because we all need someone when we are down and those you meet today may be the ones for your tomorrow’s growth.

Never wait for others to come to you, go all out to get the friends you need; get to know people that matters to your becoming what you want to be in life and never neglect anyone out of your way. Take the first step in making friends and you will never regret it for life. Everyone needs a friend and getting one is just a neighbor near you, just talk to the person with a friendly disposition to all those that you might meet on your way up and see how things work out for you.

It is very important that you get peoples names right the first time you meet them and if you know that you can’t remember their name, ask again, it won’t hurt you or them if you do. Nobody likes his/her name being called wrongly or spelt badly. It will do you much good if you can even write down the name for keeps in case you might forget it.

For a fact, it has been observed that the person you keep his or her information and get to know better becomes your best friend in the end of time. He or she will often become a person that you will need in that dream and goals of yours. If he or she can’t help you he/she can introduce you to someone who can and make, pave ways for you to fulfill your dreams and goals on earth. So keep tabs of your friends for future purposes!

On earth nobody is perfect and until we accept our imperfections can we see to others own. If we all expect perfection then no one will be able to work with each other, our imperfections makes us different from one another and shows that we are still humans trying to attain to what we all want to be. No one is ever going to be perfect but love and understand will create whatever is missing in anyone and bring us close to walk together without any grudges.

The important thing to do in our imperfections is to find something in the other person to love and admire for good and to try to develop that aspect of that person into becoming what we want from that person. Looking into others weaknesses builds and magnifies their weakness to us and makes us start to dwindle even when they themselves are trying to change their short-comings by not looking into it. We all need to learn not think and look too much into the imperfection of others but to help with their good sides first and see what will happen to the imperfect sides. This is not saying you should forget about the imperfect side completely but to help only in making the person perfect in all areas of life

This is a vital point to take into consideration. Without good communication no friendship can stand the test of time because when messages are not relayed nothing is being done or messages are relayed with a break in transmission; then there arise the problem of misunderstanding.

There are so many ways to pass across messages in any given relationship, e.g.:
Conversation: You must create time to see each other, talk together, go out and be in places where you both can talk without any interference.

Phone: Handset is everywhere making it easy for love to go on even where distance is involved. You can call each other at anytime, anywhere and get to know how things are with each other or send text messages of comfort and happenings.

Greeting cards: Card is another wonderful avenue of creating a lasting, beautiful friendship. There are so many categories of cards on different topics that can help any relationship or friendship to grow and be healthy to live in and with.

Internet: Another great avenue is being online where you have so many facilities to use in sending messages to each other. You can write to each other, find time to chat, or use the free internet to phone text messaging. The world is now a global village making it easy for friends and lovers too.

Hand letters: The old letter writing avenue that can never die. You can write letters to each other, telling of how you feel, how things are or just play on words to help and make each other happy. Another is writing poems of love, comfort, and understanding to each other (you can even employ a poet for this). You just need to make sure that you are conversing and making a meaningful relationship that will last forever and be remembered by both of you in the future.

You must understand that communication and conversation plays a vital role in any given relationship, and that without it you can’t understand each others likes, wants, and needs.

Conversation is very vital to any relationship be it friendship or courtship. Conversation or communication is like water and sun to a plant, without it death is sure in any relationship. You must get talking and have time together to get to know each other and find out each others likes and dislikes. Although with the opposite sex many times it is thought wrongly except when we were kids. All minds needs to open to the fact that friendship is inevitable to all.

Time, you need it with me
Time stopped; cracks communication
Time promised should be kept
Time is important for love to grow
Time is like water the seed (love)
{That means without water seeds starts to die
Until it completely dies out]
We need more time together


Curtsy and appreciation is the ingredient of a good friendship/courtship or relationship. It is like cultivating a garden. Without it a relationship can die and with it, growth is ensure to move in. be courteous always to your friends and partners because it will help you and help him/her too to do the same back to whomever is met on the way of any relationship.

Don’t forget this is the most important ingredient in any relationship. Say it all the time and mean it!

Friendship is built not jump into. You can’t meet a person today and be friends immediately; it will take some time before it can really work out for both of you. You will have to know and learn about who you are walking with, his or her temperaments, likes and behavioral patterns. Don’t just find someone today and tell them all about yourself; watch before you leap, get to know the person well enough before you voice anything about yourself out and be loveable, likeable and humble in all your dealings with the new found friend.

Accept people for who they are not what you want them to be. Acceptance is the real thing that makes a friendship accommodating, and help it to grow into what we all dream and want it to be.

Like all things, you must develop mutual attraction with your friends or partner because it stand the basis of your continual friendship and growth. It will help in working together and being you without hiding anything from the friend or partner that you are walking with.

Be committed to your friends and yourself no matter what and give them the benefit of doubt about yourself so that they can trust, work with you and help you in times of trouble.

Many times we all fail to understand the power of respect in friendship. Respect does not mean that you have low self esteem or that you don’t know your rights in that relationship. It is being matured and showing that you want peace and understanding to reign in that relationship you are into.

Everybody knows that all men are egocentric in their daily dealings even though some do try to suppress their own. A lady must still be careful not to trample far into an area that will cause a friend to be angry and make decisions that will hurt her. This also applies to the man because some women too have their own ways to deal with; all things work out through understanding and patience with perseverance.

Every human being as it is said is “self-centered” even when Christ is known of them. We are all trying to attain unto perfection, and that will only be when heaven is reached. We all need to understand each other so that we can walk peacefully together hand-in-hand.

Respect is the ability to know when you have crossed your boundary in any relationship that you are in and the ability to understand when to begin something or stop it.

You need to understand that when respect is lost in a relationship/friendship, chaotic situation will occur, which can lead to break up in the relationship. Lack of respect is the destroyer of many relationships.

It’s important to build trust and understanding in any relationship because that will be what both of you will hold unto in the future. And to build this you must focus on the good side of one another.

Trust and understanding is not easy to build if truth is lost in any relationship. Truth is a vital ingredient in building trust and understanding.

Believe in you…means Trust
Standing for you…means Trust
Accepting your words…means Trust
Loving you…means Trust
You can’t love one who you don’t/can’t Trust

This is a good point to note, as it is understood from life itself that all humans are but selfish.

In any relationship/friendship everything must be reciprocally done. It is a give and take affair not a “give me” and ‘give me’ one.

Nothing in life is ever equal, and helping one another out only creates a future of love, understanding and respect.

In the real terms, all women wants and love a man that can give and provide everything they need whether married or not, but most times this can’t be possible for the man; helping out one another creates a permeable condition for the future. Not all needs can be met because mans needs are more than the eyes can view but hand-in-hand a lot can be done in any relationship.

A man can help a woman and a woman can also do the same, but this should not be used as a clock for deceptive and malicious means by the sexes.

Many have gone through bad relationship(s) before which gives them the fear that all other relationships that they might go into will be the same, it creates fear in their heart of moving into another relationship and make them believe that any other one will be the same for them because of what they have gone through in the old one.

The fear is that any other person that comes their way is looked upon as the same from their past relationship. As it is known no two person are ever the same in behavior and today’s mistakes are tomorrow’s lessons if cultivated wisely without any biased mind or thoughts.

Friends help in shaping strong relationship and who we are or become:
• They make us laugh
• Makes us happy
• Add to our emotional growth
• Teaches us how to be close to someone
• Introduce new ideas, new things to us
• Share our dreams
• Enlarge our horizon
• Help us in planning our future
• Gives us answers to our questions when we are young
• Make us feel comfortable in times of change while growing up
• Gives us encouragement in times of trouble or problems
• Assure us the more about ourselves
• Add to building our self-esteem

They build our ability to:
• Be open about our feeling and thoughts, the ability to communicate well
• To be supportive in times of trouble or feeling low
• Teaches us the ability to negotiate well
• Ability to share to work together, share responsibility and co-operate
• Ability to accept differences in opinions, practices and beliefs

True friends are easily known through these:
• A mutual respect accommodating others values, choices and decision
• Accepting people for who, what and as they are
• Communicating in honesty, sharing the truth
• Able to support each other and dependent on one another.

• Friendship is not kissing, cuddling or exploring the secret sensitive parts of the body
• Not influencing or intimidating others to engage in bad behavior
• It is not extra or pre-marital sex
• Not wrong peer pressure

Anybody who is not a friend will have all these attributes
• Will reveal your secrets to others
• Spread nasty rumors about you
• Pressure you to do wrong things

• Acquaintance
• Casual
• Intimate

This is the state of being related, the mutual exchange between two people or groups who have dealings with one another. It means the agreement of people by words or action to have dealings with one another, there is an awareness that an attraction exist between them.

• Lack of attention
• Selfishness or greed
• Dishonesty
• Foolishness
• Immaturity
• External listening
• Lustful desires

The Book: Friendship & Courtship
From: Treasured1 Creative Ideas Int. Publishing
By: Salau O John

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The actuality of loving and living is boiling every day as many in heart are crying to find love, understand it and work in it but many things are doubting the mind.

Is it possible that all are just humans in search of fun, comfort and game or how can we say here is love when in contention we break the world apart seeking the reality and facts out of our own oblivision, forgetting that truth will always be truth.

Let's come to the brass tacts here:

What is love and living?

We all do seek answers in these realm, hoping something comes our way in the friendship of yes or no when the game starts. Actually, love is something of the heart in action portrayed but lets think about those with games all the way. They come and steal the heart away, making it a prey for another of their baited lies; and after they've had their fill of what's not theirs, go on to the next only the same game in and out.

Somehow we all get there, to understand that all that glitters is not gold, but some gold are real, only in mining or letting them pass through the fire of time and test do we get to know how far they can stand or endure in our quest.

Living is being alive to the fun that life itself offers, to be happy in what we see, share and walk in, to find true hearty conversational love; to find what we want; someone to be there, showing and sharing words of encouragement, gifts adrifting, love unfathomable, not only when the heart is merry but when the pangs and pains of life holds us down, even in poverty and riches everyone needs love.

Our lives are interwoven in the friendship of love and living, as nothing ever comes without either a friend or lover. We are all connected somehow though the lessons differ, nothing we can do but love and propell our lives for the betterment of others via the actionable consequence of truth or baited lies.

These are the facts we all must walk on , either by or standing still...the coners of love will always be there.

Someday our proceed will speak, either better things or not, it will mark it out.

All the best for the lovers, and same here to the game players.

We all get there.

To be quiet is to learn
And to speak is to give
But to be a hearer, a lesson began
For talkative are lives so brief

The future you mapped, you blow
And the things to do you bar
You asked, why can’t I flow
Your future in progress you bar

What is the will that ply?
You lay awake all night for hope
The past plays the tricks you’ve tried
And in tears your mistakes you soaped

Time up and over to pray
The world can be delayed by God
But you, your ways, changes flay
Open your eyes, you need the Lord
Salau O John©

First impression stands often amiss
But courtesy bought the trouble burnt
Where betides your friendship at least
You lay not the line in future

A servant is but a sane human
And a child is a child of the mother
But attitude determines the altitude
Yet are people like yearning water

Tell me not to stand for a kid
For age never goes down but respected
But reciprocal teach thou politeness that lit
And be that a future amending bought

I call upon politeness to answer
Why do men walk within proudness?
O for courteous to help the banner
Ah! I wail politeness so high down
Salau O John©