Thursday, May 20, 2010

Let's Talk About Anger (Part 1)

As the day rolls on, let's  talk about anger and solving its issue today.

Nearly anyone and everyone – people of all ages worldwide – is prone to displays of anger. The degree of frequency and level of intensity of the emotion are what vary most and most often result in how well a person
handles the anger and whether there are positive or negative results.

A key to those who successfully manage anger is gaining control. And in order to gain control over the emotion, it helps to first take a look at anger itself, what it is and how to deal with it effectively.

Anger is an emotion. It can be triggered by a variety of things, issues, people, places, etc. Some of the top triggers are jealousy, confrontations, failure, greed, fear, low self-esteem, assertiveness, feeling threatened and pain.

When a person gets angry, the negative emotion can actually harm the person’s physical and emotional well-being. The heart rate increases, stress levels rise, and often a fight or flight reaction is the immediate response, neither one always presenting a healthy alternative.

What counters anger best is to be prepared in advance to learn major triggers, how to tell when they are about to happen, when possible, so as to avoid them, plus a variety of coping skills in order to deal with what is necessary. To help, keep a private journal to note any anger triggers, ways to possibly avoid confrontations down the road and possible coping techniques to try. You can use the following triggers, coping techniques and helpful tips as a good starting point.

Trips Your Trigger
When you’re calm, make a list of things, people, places, events, etc. that tend to trip your trigger:
1. Calling businesses and getting automated menus to choose form that run you in circles, accomplishing nothing productive.
2. Handling angry customer service calls

3. Going to visit in-laws

4. Heavy traffic during rush hour

5. Loosing with my Mutual Funds account in the stock market

Anger Aids
List ways to deal with anger when you’re have a positive frame of mind and are in a good mood, to spark better creativity:

1. Cool off with ice cream – As simplistic as this sounds, something cool and soothing can often help take the heat off the moment and begin cooling the entire body down.

2. Take a hike or walk – Taking a step back, away from it all, can do wonders to give you a more world-view of the situation. Being in the center of issues can make them seem larger than they really are,
making the proverbial mountains out of molehills.

3. Dance – Let it all out via your own expression. Dance to the beat of the music of your choice.

4. Write it out - Journal and create a column of ‘lemons’ along with another column alongside for solutions or ‘lemonade.’

5. Avoid / alter path of destruction in advance – Take a different route during rush hour or alter your schedule.

By planning, you can prepare yourself in advance. Plan and conquer, and keep at the process on a regular basis.

Deeper than life stronger than death
Strange is the heart that can read
Harmonies of life oneness of birth
The mind is an ocean of thought

Concentrating the heart waiting for time
Building the life creating the future
Thoughts make that to be primed
The mind is an ocean of thought

Becoming great releasing the actuality
All that will be thought will be
Making the man making the faculty
A vision through thought must be

Keep thinking the straight course
Hiding the mind forwarding the vision
Hearing the guilt’s breaking the curse
A mission thought must be
Salau O John©2010

What is professed what is seen?
Life and the difference faces tray
We say but the heart is gleaned
Who understand that men lay?

The inner man against the outer man
A cry within and smiles without
Against sin cried but closet manned
What is portrayed what is left out?

The inside trays the home call
A little leaven kills the whole
How can time change for all?
The day came for the beginning soul

Just the inside trays the life
For practice makes perfect all
One day the hidden will alight
For nothing change but practice calls
Salau O John©2010
Not Yours
The life that be, a borrowed life
The time that taken a given one
Yet you’re promised the world no lies
And forget all things do long

The days and ways do ply
But runs no end it’s own
It’s mans mistakes flying by
For tomorrow tows in line alone

Except the Lord should have been said
But no give was called upon
From foundation you came, the last felt
Yet your heart self do open

I call to order the days that dote
But will you listen, time tolls
The seeds do die before growth
So open thou eyes the days die
Salau O John©2010

Till next time.

Enjoy your time out there,

Salau John (O.O.John)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tips for Getting Out of a Rut

Thanks friend for being with me all this while. Here is a post I believe will do some service to you out there today.

Just another lovely day for a post like this to help you get out of your burdens. I know sometimes we all get to that  place of what can I do to get this done or that out of my mind.

Today is a great day to let go of those bubbling troubles and giving a chance to learn from what i have learned in life and being me is better off than just looking at you and others going through  it.

Here I propose a helping hand and I believe it will be of great help to you in time.

Do you feel stuck in your life? Has the world suddenly seemed to have closed in around you? In addition, are you are doing the same thing day in, day out? If this sounds like your life then you are probably stuck in a rut, with what seems to be no way out.

Being stuck in a rut can drag you down, make you feel depressed, or as if life is something you just go through but have long since stopped enjoying. You become this way slowly without even realizing it, until one day you wonder what happened and when.

For many of us our daily life is governed by some form of routine which we cannot avoid, for example going to work 8 hours a day, taking the kids to school each morning, this is daily life and routine which for the most part cannot be changed. Another reason behind routine is the safety barrier; we get comfortable with our lives and feel secure in them, so why change?

However, sometimes routine can start to get us down, leave us with a feeling of dissociation and start causing problems in relationships, work and daily life in general, we gradually become unhappy. This is when a change is needed; this is the time to dig yourself out of the hole you have put yourself in and start enjoying life again.
Here are some tips to help you begin to take back control over you life and get out of the rut.

1. Do at least one thing everyday that is different to your normal routine, this could be something as simple as taking a short break and going for a walk, sitting down to read a chapter of a book or any other hobby or pastime you once enjoyed.

2. Take up a new hobby, make sure that you give yourself some times throughout the day to just enjoy something you like doing.

3. Shake up meal times by having something different, you can either try a different recipe or order different take out, try foods from different cultures.
4. Get out and meet new people, there are many ways you can achieve this, join a gym, club or attend a self-improvement class or hobby class.

5. Drive a different way to work or if possible walk or start bicycling, not only will this break the rut you are in but also get you fitter.

6. Take up a new sport; there are many types of sport with something for the fitter to the more moderate forms of exercise.

7. Do something each day that is totally out of character for you, start off with small changes and work your way up to bigger ones.

8. If you are stuck at home with children then change your routine throughout the day, don’t always do the same chore at the same time, shake up the way you do your housework.

9. Make small changes around the home or work area.

10. De-clutter your home or work area; it is surprising how being surrounded by clutter can get you down.

Enjoy your day,

The issues of the human minds
The throes of life in thinking
The thoughts propelled by different kinds
How on earth can man comprehend?

The thoughts of business and relationships
The bugs of heartbreaks and poverty
The back-turned human burning lordship
Who can comprehend these burning tides?

As the journey goes on differently here
The pangs of different connotations bout
Faces differ, only the best must care
Life only in sphere does exist

Our thoughts probes us daily
What we know is half boiled
Only learning keeps us here daily
As understanding birth peaceful progress
Salau O John©
SELFISH ME (Heb 13 v 1-3)
I give myself to the world freely
All I know and do for free
I find my comfort in helping all
But who buys my bubbling calls?

I gave my love to all but one
Yet in time selfish builds that
I am called selfish for loving throughout
Yet I know there’s a judge above

Never was I lazy in loving all
But this pines my heart to ball
I was created to build my time
But I die daily to be fine
Salau O John©

There’s a dream planned for a child
Keeping it secret is the whole matter
Though some might search being mild
The future, it will surely come

Delay is not denial they say
But many have died displaying nothing
The world their wicked belly lay
How many understand these things?

Hard-work goes slavery comes
That to become is run after
And confusion breaks hearts in tones
The world seems peaceful in laughter

Making a dream praying the dream
Becoming the dream is working the dream
The world is a strange bout place
And planning with God lays the way
Salau O John©
Salau John (O. O. J)