Hi there friend,
Hope the day has been wonderful out there? Just felt like helping you out of the problems of creative burden that you might have been going through.
You see having many talents does not mean you can make it in your trying out times, but it means you need to rethink and re-look into what you love most out of those embedded gifts in you and see which one can do you good in the long run to focus upon and become a success.
So, today I would love if you can take a pick from one of my training sessions write-up to help you in becoming focused and teach the way forward in your creativities.
Now take the leap and read on!
Being focused
To live an empowered life, a life which allows you to do whatever it is you want to do, be or achieve, you can only do so if you are focused. The question is, I suppose, how can you become focused?
The answer lies in the title of this blog post!
Follow: Have a plan and Take the step
One: Be focused
Course: Learn on the way
Until: Never give up
Successful: You can make it
Has this ever happened to you?
You've planned your course of action and along come someone with a great opportunity which you just can't refuse.
You think to yourself, that's okay, I can do both things at once. And maybe you can, but the reality is that your focus for each opportunity has become halved. It is really easy to set out on one course of action and become sidetracked along the way with another opportunity. Or, the course of action for your first Endeavour becomes a bit tricky, requiring a bit more effort than you initially thought. The result? You become more easily sidetracked! So, what can you do to be focused and STAY focused?
A writer friend of mine has heaps of projects on the go at any given time – and wonders why it is she never seems to get anything finished. The answer is simple: her focus is so scattered that she's completely lost it (the focus that is!). My advice to her has always been to concentrate on one project until she
has produced a first draft, and then move on to the next project. One
day she'll listen to me!
has produced a first draft, and then move on to the next project. One
day she'll listen to me!
To become focused on anything:
Whether it is to become a best-selling novelist, national chess champion, employee of the month etc - you need to:
Begin with the end result in mind.
Ask yourself these two questions:
1. What do I want?
2. What do I have to do to get it?
The good news is: you don't have to do it all at once!
What you ultimately want to achieve can be broken down into some very simple steps ….
Start with today.
This is your current state of mind. What is the one most important thing you can do today, that will assist you in achieving your goal?
When you've identified that one most important thing, it becomes your focus of the day. Having just one focus in a day is much more achievable than having five or six. The rule you must set for yourself is:
Don't allow anyone or anything to sidetrack you. Remember this;
If you lose the focus today, you have already lost focus on the end result.
Give yourself three or four days to get used to the idea of focusing on just one thing.
And then ….
Set out the most important thing you want to achieve this week. Write it down. Pin it on a board, tack it to a wall, prop it on your desk – place it anywhere which will catch your attention. These are important steps. The act of writing it down sends a message to your subconscious. Being able to see it every day reinforces your intention to stay focused.
You will, of course, still have an important focus every day – and each will contribute in some way to your weekly focus.
If the ultimate result is to occur over a long period of time, you may want to set a focus for each month, each quarter, each year, depending on what it is you want.
Which brings me to my next point:
If you want something to happen in a year:
Go overseas for a month's holiday, for example – then you may want to backtrack. In other words,
Start by writing down your focus for the year:
Go on an African safari, for instance,
Pin it on your board. Jot down what you need to achieve six months, three months, two months, and one month before you go.
Write down what the focus will be for each of the periods. Work your way back until you come to the present time.
I ALWAYS achieve my goals. Friends see me as a workaholic, when in fact; I am focused … and driven. I decide what I want, what I have to do to get it, write out the steps and concentrate on fulfilling each step.
The same method will work for you.
And as long as you are focused, you can be/do/achieve absolutely anything in your lifetime.
So, go out and claim your dreams, you deserve it!
My call I’d known years before hand
But peruse that the eye sees
Camouflages of faces in the land
When I brood my cries for hearts
We have missed the road on success
The old time religion is dying out
Missionaries stay at home in recess
And broken hearts in villages beckons
Here and there the crowds to feed
But where are the Christ likes?
The pocket is weighed to bleed
All seeks theirs for Christ’s nothing
A missionary obeys just the calls
Though gifts differs on the job
All are called lifting the falls
Where are the true missionaries today?
Salau O John©2010
So many times I’ve heard this call
But my intuitions back-turned me
So many days I have truly fall
But today the calling is clearer
The life I’ve lived breaks me
Could have should have was it
I am a man truly free
But I walk the paths not mine
Who understands man’s living calls?
When mentors are dead nothing born
And when friends are scares we fall
Only above lays the truth to follow
All humans a calling is borne
Time tolls but it must reign
My calling today I’ll born
For lately I’ve failed true tests
Salau O John©2010