Welcome again to my blog,
My purpose here is
to glorify God by helping you to discover yourself, build you, train and impact
you with the necessary information that will change your life, finances,
career, relationships, business, ministry and family; to make of you a success
before God and man through proven Biblical and life principles.
Lets us begin our lesson from the beginning of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior:
You have made the great decision to live for
Christ. From this day forward the whole direction and purpose of your life is
changed. Heaven is your destination. You are now a person of destiny; as long
as the stars of heaven shine, as long as God above lives, so you will live.
When a person accepts Christ, he usually has
a deep desire in his heart to be a real Christian. The question is, how can
this be done? It is the purpose of this little book to help new converts in
this most important step of their lives.
Becoming a Christian is the most wonderful
thing that will ever happen in your life. There are many joys and satisfactions
awaiting you as you go along in your Christian experience. Nevertheless, we
must be frank; being a Christian will not always be easy. There will be
problems, temptations and trials you never expected to come your way.
Christ has promised He would never leave nor
forsake you. Always remember this. It is a proven fact. Therefore, set your
course resolutely ahead. Resolve that you will never turn back, and regardless
of what happens, you are going all the way with Christ. You will surely reach
your goal with that determination.
Christian Never Looks Back
Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the
plow and looks back (to the thing behind) is fit for the Kingdom of God” (Luke
9:62). In other words, a person of indecision never gets very far. In battling
between two opinions, one loses the power of initiative and sows the seeds of
his own defeat. Once you have made a decision for Christ, to look back is
Your Eyes On Christ
A Christian is one who has put his trust
wholly in God. Young converts sometimes fail to do this. Too often they get
their eyes on people, and when others do not come up to their expectations,
they are disappointed. We need to understand from the beginning that human
beings are subject to mistakes. Peter, who was one of Jesus Christ’s closest
friends and followers, denied he was ever acquainted with Christ. If you had
witnessed Peter when he denied Christ, would you have stumbled over it? Some
have lost their experience with God by stumbling over the blunders of others.
Peter made the most serious mistake he could ever have made. Yet, in time, he
became one of the greatest saints. We must not get our eyes on people or their
mistakes. Instead, we should be thankful that God is so forgiving and
Therefore, put your whole faith in Christ
from the very beginning. Although people may fail, Christ will never fail.
In becoming a Christian, you enter a race.
As the Apostle Paul said, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners
compete, but only one receives the prize? So run your race that you may lay
hold of the prize and make it yours” (1 Corinthians 9:24 Amplified).
And again, “The race is not to the swift,
nor the battle to the strong,” but to the one who is faithful and obeys the
Take A
Public Stand For Christ
There is, of course, the proper time for all
things; nevertheless, do not be slow to let others know you are a Christian. In
this way you establish your true relationship with them from the start. The
chances are they will respect you for your stand, and when they feel the need
of spiritual help, it is likely they will turn to you.
Join A
Spiritual Church
You may have been told, and rightly so, that
salvation is more than joining a church. Many people who have never been
converted are members of a church. Nevertheless, it is important after one has
made his decision for Christ, he should begin to attend a spiritual church on a
regular basis. Join with other Christians in carrying the load from the
beginning. Lend your influence for Christ and what is right. Also, each
Christian should do his part by serving within the church, supporting the
pastor in prayer and doing whatever God has called and equipped him to do.
There is another important reason for
joining a church. People are like sheep – defenseless when left alone. Sheep
separated from the main flock are subject to an attack from the enemy. Wolves
are on the prowl for straying sheep. Especially, a young convert must stay with
the flock. Within the church he has a measure of safety and protection.
Remember what the Bible says on this subject, “Not forsaking or neglecting to
assemble together [as believers], as is the habit of some people, but
admonishing – warning, urging and encouraging – one another, and all the more
faithfully as you see the day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25 Amplified).
God will keep you
safe in His arms of love in Jesus name!
Join me again
tomorrow for the continuation
John Olanrewaju
Pastor, Author, Poet, Creativity, Business, Relationship,
Career & Life Coach
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