Monday, January 25, 2016


Welcome again today,

I hope you are good and able?

My purpose here is to glorify God by helping you to discover yourself, build you, train and impact you with the necessary information that will change your life, finances, career, relationships, business, ministry and family; to make of you a success before God and man through proven Biblical truths, prayers and life principles.

Let us move on in our learning:

You must commit Yourself to a Life of Prayer

Prayer   is   the   foundation   for   success   in   every Christian   endeavor.   Jesus   is   your   example.   Did   you ever   notice   how   often   the   Bible   mentions   that   He withdrew   to   a   lonely   place   to   pray?  And   in   the morning,   rising   up   a   great   while   before   day,   he   went out,   and   departed   into   a   solitary   place,   and   there prayed (Mark 1:35). And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all   night   in   prayer   to   God (Luke   6:12). These are   just two of many instances recorded in the Gospels.

Jesus   was   in  continual   communication  with   God through   prayer.   He   spent   hours   every   day   separated from   the   people,   fellowshipping   with   His   heavenly Father.  If   He   had   a   need   for   preparation   through prayer,   how   much   more   should   we?  In   fact,   such foundation   and   preparation   is   the   only   thing   that   will keep us together when we are faced with a situation that requires   a   great   deal   of   faith.   Even   the   apostles   chose deacons   to   assist   them  in   their   duties,  saying,  It   is   not reason   that   we  should   leave   the   word  of   God...But  we will   give   ourselves   continually   to   prayer,   and   to   the ministry of the word (Acts6:2,4).

If you have taken the time to saturate your heart with the   Word   of   God   to   the   extent   that   you   are   single-minded  on   His  Word,  your   thinking   will  no   longer   be influenced   by  fear.   You   will  stop   wailing  and   begging God   for   the   power   to   do   the   job.   You  will  realize   that the anointing which ye have received  of him abideth in you (1 John 2:27). All you  will have to do is open your mouth, For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh  (Matt.   12:34).   The   Word   will   be   what's   in your heart in abundance so that's what will come out.

When   a  mother   brings   her   little   baby   to   you whom Satan has maimed, twisted and blinded, you will know  what  to   do. You  won't   offer  a   lame   excuse   like, "Well,   you know, sometimes we  just don't  understand why these things happen. Sometimes  we  just have no answer."  If  that is your response, then go hide behind a desk some place! Shuffle papers and organize bake sales and soft ball matches against the church down the street! God will heal that baby if you have the courage to stand  up  to  the   devil.  That   kind of confidence only comes from a personal knowledge of God through time spent in prayer and fellowship with Him.

Once a woman brought a little baby to me in a meeting; Its  tiny  feet were so badly   twisted that the toes on each foot touched   the backs  of  its legs.   The  mother  was  looking   to   me  to do something about  it.   In  a  situation   like   that   you  need  to be in close contact with the Father.

When she handed me her little baby, I started to pray. It was so tiny that both feet fit in the palm of my hand. I said, "Father, in the name of Jesus...."  That's as far as I got, and I felt those little feet turn around in my hand.

I would rather be anointed of God for five minutes than to have a gold fence built around the entire state of Nigeria with my name on every brick. It is the greatest thing on earth. The hours of prayer and communion with God are worth the results they bring.

The demonstration of God's power in your ministry is proof of your personal fellowship with Him. You cannot have one without the other.

God will keep you safe in His arms of love in Jesus name!

Thank you for being with me here,

Join me again next time for the continuation

John Olanrewaju
Pastor, Author, Poet, Creativity, Business, Ministry & Life Coach

Feel free to give your comment, suggestions and questions, or send to: wordoffirebibleministry@

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