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1. Friendship and Courtship: ISBN:
You & Your Friends
Anyone who must have friends must be friendly as only birds of a feather flock together. Life is all about relationship and relationship only comes through friendship or it’s nurtured by it.
We all do need friends in life, friends who will be there in times of need, comfort etc. as we go on in life our friendship level changes, some friends will be there to hold unto while others we will have to let go of; but the truth of the matter is, to have a good relationship, it must all begin from friendship.
A friend is one who tells you the truth no matter what; a person who knows your faults but loves you anyway, helping you to curb it or finding ways to help you become what you really ought to be by focusing on your strong points, not one who tries to manipulate you for what you have or you can offer.
Friendship is sharing warmth and intimate relationship with someone you like and trust. It forms an integral part of a young person’s life because it helps him transform from childhood to adulthood. It provides the chance for acquiring experiences, building self-identity, conflict management skills and interpersonal communication; it’s a very vital ingredient during adolescence and throughout life. Friendship does not involve sex. You must know how to choose and find strong and good friends to be with.
You must work hand-in-hand to build a successful relationship. Never take a friend for granted. To have a friend, you must be a friend yourself and making friends is very easy if you can follow the following rules:
It is very easy to find a friend or someone to love though the skills are not taught in schools or in life affairs but understanding will birth the way if one truly seeks and really need a friend or is searching for love.
There are so many places to look to:
Meetings: There are so many gathering here and there where you can find someone to be a good friend to though you need to get to know the person well before you can move on to any other direction of your choice.
Churches: You have so many meetings and membership areas for your interest and getting to know one another in a church setting.
Internet: So many online networks on the World Wide Web for you to join and make friends, a wonderful place to get known and make contacts though you need to meet the person face-to-face to find out more, get to know better before you can say here is friendship in reality.
Clubs/Parties, etc.: You have so many clubs, so many entertainment sections for you out there. Just know what you want and go for it.
All you have to do is follow all the guidelines left for you in this book and you’ll see that all things comes easy to those who are really seeking in truth and taking the right steps.
Take the initiative
Never wait for others to come to you, go all out to get the friends you need; get to know people that matters to your becoming what you want to be in life and never neglect anyone out of your way. Take the first step in making friends and you will never regret it for life. Everyone needs a friend and getting one is just a neighbor near you, just talk to the person with a friendly disposition to all those that you might meet on your way up and see how things work out for you.
Be likable
You should be the kind of person who ventures into understanding others and not just yourself. Love and like others even though it may not be your culture; it will help you in the end because we all need someone when we are down and those you meet today may be the ones for your tomorrow’s growth or betterment.
Get names right and give yours
It is very important that you get peoples names right the first time you meet them and if you know that you can’t remember their names, ask again, it won’t hurt you or them if you do. Nobody likes his name being called wrongly or spell badly. It will do you much good if you can even write down the name for keeps in case you might forget it.
Exchange cards, telephone Number
For a fact, it has been observed that the person you keep his or her information and get to know better becomes your best friend in the end of time. He might often become a person that you will need in that dream and goals of yours. If he can’t help you he can introduce you to someone who can and make, pave ways for you to fulfill your dreams and goals on earth. So keep tabs for friendship for future purposes!
Don’t expect perfection
On earth nobody is perfect and until we accept our imperfections can we see to others own. If we all expect perfection then no one will be able to work with each other, our imperfections makes us different from one another and shows that we are still humans trying to attain to what we all want to be. No one is ever going to be perfect but love and understand will create whatever is missing in anyone and bring us close to walk together without strife.
A. What is Poetry?
B. What Poetry is all about?
C. Requirements for writing Poetry.
A. What is Poetry?
Has it is said; Poetry is an art (a way of writing). It is the art of writing in prose and stanzas with words on lines, having its own ways of arranging words, line by line. It uses languages to convey a lot of meaning in its own context.
Poetry is the work of poets and writers (those involve in writing prose, plays, song lyrics and movie scripts), which is often referred to as literature in the art world.
B. What Poetry is all about?
Poetry is all about you, your imagination, culture, environment and everything seen, heard, understand, understood and known around or across the world.
It is an aspect of arts that is so unique, powerful in helping to create a balance in a world of chaos, through written or spoken words; helping to create humor in the society, teaching morals, educational and cultural lessons.
It is about building a better you, country through good information, education and analyzing prospects for better ethical standards.
Basically, it deals with the morals (good behaviors) and amoral (bad behaviors) acts of a giving society and help in curbing amoral acts, bringing it to light for all to learn something out of.
C. Poetry Requirements.
Many hobbies or sports require special equipments but with poetry the arrangements needed are not special in any form because it is not a dangerous hobby. All that you need is a pencil, pen and a piece of paper.
When a car breaks down a mechanic comes around to repair it. Usually he has a bag of tools with him. Nearly everybody needs tools to do their job. A painter can't paint without a paintbrush, paint and other tools for his trade.
A poet needs tools also: A pen or pencil, something to write on, perhaps a word processor (computer), but most important of all - words. The more words you know, the better equipped you are to write poems.
You don't have to have a big vocabulary to write poems. Sometimes the simplest words can produce beautiful poems. But poetry is all about finding the exact word that you need.
How do you improve your word power? The best way is to read. Read lots of books or have a catholic taste for books - and whenever you come across an unfamiliar word, find out what it means. It could be just the word you'll need in your next poem.
Most people (adults as well as children) tend to read the same sort of books all the time. You find a type of story you like, or a favorite author, and you read it. But poets try different sorts of stories. Read newspapers and magazines. Try reading novels and motivational books. Once in a while try an "adult" book. And if you are going to be a poet, read lots of poetry. You probably have some favorite poets, but read other poets too. Keep on reading to improve your word power!
You should understand that a pen and a paper are the only things you need, but in serious writings there are other tools that are valuable to your trade, which you must have, and they are listed hereunder.
1. Notebook
This is the most important tool of the trade. A small notebook/notepad, better still one that can fit into your pocket, that you can take along with you everywhere or wherever you go. You can't tell when ideas will occur to you, and if you don't write them down, you stand the chance of forgetting them.
Having or carrying a notebook with you all the time will help you in writing or jotting down your ideas immediately when they occur to you so that none will be forgotten.
Some poets consider using a Journal, which is like a book having blank pages that you, can write anything into. It is like a diary only that it does not have pages for each day of the year, but you can organize or arrange it in anyway you like it to be. But here, understand that a notebook is more appropriate for the job because of the advantage of being able to carry it about in your pocket.
Now, if you are ready to be a poet: then go get a notebook or journal or a pocketbook and start jotting or putting down your ideas, this does not mean writing an entire poem. It can be as simple as noticing a word, a rhyme, whatever word that can be of use or of interest to you.
You don't need to worry yourself on neatness, spellings or punctuations, just write as you wish, don't worry about the write-up. What matters is being able to capture ideas as they come to you by keeping them in your journal or notebook.
Thanks for reading. Wishing you all the best out there:
John Olanrewaju (Salau)
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