Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, well, well,

I guess you all will be happy to know me, I mean the real me out here, so I've decided to put up this post today to create a way for you to know me better and get to understand why I've chosen to be a writer and help you out in your quest to become a success in life, business, relationship and creative works.

Years ago while growing up I can actually remember telling my family, "hey I'm going to be a writer, though then it might sound like a joke but in reality I was into it, I mean writing from the word go but little did I know that I'll come back and be that which I've always told myself severally until now.

Well, So many things have happened since then, when I said those words to my family, and the most baffling things have happened as well.

I had to go through a lot of things to get to where I am today and some of those things are not what i really in actual facts bargain for.

Was it the time when I tried my first singing, or acting that turned me into being called different names or my first poetry rendition, or the time when I tried writing and was beating blue and black for trying out love notes; which one can I talk about here? O yea, I get it, the trouble I went through when I was stopped from schooling in primary 6 and I said I want to go back, which fell on deaf ears.

It wasn't easy then I can tell you, when everyone will drive you here and there, telling you to learn a trade. I can say I did gain a lot in them days as I learned to be a fashion designer, Aluminum fabricator, go through painting and glazing school, did diploma in electrical electronics and finally at the end I had to send myself back to the school I had always wanted to go and read mass communication.

Now the deed has been done and I still have a lot going for me out here but the issue is in all these things, I've learned that the ball has always been in my court all along, all I needed was to take my life in my hand and do what I must to get to where I am going.

Now with my book published and in the market, plus 38 books written and registered (still counting) with my personal company done; I can say, the sky is not just the limit but above the heavens!

Here I know so many things we all do go through in life, among friends, families and foes but the truth is we all have what we need to stand and be all we ever can/could dream of becoming.

My routing in life now is that I write daily poems and put up motivational messages of facts I know well enough while growing up and the true motivational understanding I’ve gotten from books, trainings and readings  that have helped me in getting my life on board to the best it can possibly be.

I have made up my mind and my own mandate to help others out with the things I’ve gone through hoping they can learn from my mistakes and success and the tales surrounding my thoughtful daily, weekly living.

Till next time,

Feel free to get to me on any information you think or feel want to know and you can’t find out here about me. ( or )

Thanks for coming along to knowing me.

John O Olanrewaju
(Formerly salau O John)

Grab your copy: +2348028607952

You'll get to know when its out in October 2010 and be invited to the launching!

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