Friday, November 13, 2009


Just to let you know about Treasured One Creative Ideas Int.:

Treasured1 Creative Ideas International is a Publishing & Entertainment company of young talented individuals with creative ideas, burdened with tackling the challenges faced by people in the publishing and entertainment business environment.

We are devoted to building a force to reckon with in the entertainment sector through training in the areas of Music, poetry, book writing, publishing, education, etc.

We deal in Publishing of Leadership, Business, school, poetry, motivational books, magazines, greeting cards, designs, editing, proofreading, pagination of books and trainings, etc

This is a place where we propose to teach and train you to be successful in the arts and business life, plus managing your finance and career in the entertainment industry.

We counsel artistes, students and youths on their career, relationship, plus life in general.

We research, teach business organizations, students and youths etc. on the function of music, instruments, arts, writing, business and entertainment industry facts.

We work with business organizations, publishers, writers, churches and entertainment companies to build studios, libraries, supply equipments that will change the entertainment business, organizations and publishing world.

To work primarily with upcoming and professional artists, writers individually with valuable trainings; solving writing and entertainment issues in various organizations.

To start small but grooming Writers and Artistes to the highest standard in the Creative and Entertainment business World, exceeding international standards and expanding wings into the future.

Nigeria and Africa as a whole is fast growing with talent in different fields of arts namely: musicians, writers, poets, singers etc. which making it is their only hope of moving forward to help each other out in the industry. Our longing is to be a part of those who will help in bringing a smile to the faces of these young talents with/by any means possible but through hard work, integrity of minds and trainings that will lead to better use of creativity in life, business and writings plus working as one family in business.

To train an army of purposeful individuals, artistes, poets, writers in creativity & organizations releasing them to productivity; and to help in building leaders of talents.

To equip creative thinkers and organizations with viable information and education in the areas of artistes, poets, writers training, teaching, managing business and professional entertainment companies.

To build others in life, relationship and purpose; spreading motivational messages through poetry publications, books, music, seminars and other viable means possible.

To provide excellent quality Services to our clients and students with one objective in mind: opening their eyes to quality and professionalism, business understanding, standard School training; while personal vision is geared towards the overall success of all individually.

To help young aspiring writers and talents in creativity, bringing them to limelight through their published works, and be a part of those who help in fulfilling their dreams and purpose.

To be productive and effective communicators, giving professional trainings.

To equip others.

We are starting up with the free seminar to liberate minds in the creative sector, using those who have been in the works and are successful to talk and teach upcoming poets, writers and singers the way up in their career.

Also we are looking at publishing of free books, magazines, fliers, greeting cards on different topics of issues of life and relationship for schools, individuals, organizations to glean wisdom from, or use as a manual for training their workforce and to help the artistes in the industry.

After the above we will be moving forward with the publishing outfit and The Creative Training School for artistes in the entertainment world. As all the training are available for the school to commence.

The company will continue its expansion into the entertainment, writing and publishing world as there are many things waiting to be implemented as it continue to enlarge its wings into the future.

Our partner will get their money’s worth from the company: As their monies or gifts will be used in building the company to a standing position and how it’s being used or spent will be forwarded to the recipients either through e-mail or address given.

All partners are entitled to a meeting from the organization where we can talk and rub minds on the future of the organization and lots more.

We believe that all and sundry will help, partner with us for the growth, development and expansion of the company’s mandate established for the growth of singers, poets, writers and all artistes in the creative world.

As we seek your partnership and support in bringing to limelight talents who are in dear need of any help that our organization and you can provide; we believe that whatever we do today proves what tomorrow holds for others that are coming behind, and today is that tomorrow we are waiting for. We also understand that these tasks cannot be performed alone; as it is said, “no man is an island”, and “if you see a turtle on a stand, know that it had help getting there”.

Thank you in anticipation of your prompt and understandable response.

Yours in the works,

Salau O John
For: Treasured1 Creative ideas Int.



Thursday, November 12, 2009

Helping Yourself Become Educated

We all get frustrated when things go wrong in our lives. It's how we deal with these instances that are important. Setbacks should be an opportunity to learn something. They sometimes end up just being a chance to throw a fit.

We should look at disappointing circumstances as an opportunity to learn what we could have done better or different, or maybe we learned to not trust a certain person that we did to help us with something. Sometimes we can't control anything in a certain situation and have to learn that we can't control every little thing in the world and have to learn to just say, "Oh, well, I did my best, and I couldn't have done anything better or differently that would have made a difference in the outcome", and just let it go.

Every now and then, things just don't turn out as we'd like them to. It happens to everyone. We all get disappointed now and then, and it's then that we should examine our expectations. Was it our expectations that led us to believe that something was going to be more grand or fun or fruitful than it actually turned out to be? If so, then we set ourselves up for disappointment. Our feelings of frustration are understandable as well as any of anger or disappointment. We are human and that is going to happen. We need to look at each upset and examine whether we are blowing it out of proportion, or maybe if we are diminishing it's importance only to have it come back to haunt us later. We need to learn to take things as they are, not how we want them to be.

Avoid comparing yourself to others. That's the fastest way to beat up on yourself! Everyone has their own unique gifts and talents. We all do not share the same talents. If you compare your weak areas to the strong areas in another person, then you're going to feel inferior. That's how attacks on others start and how we talk ourselves out of developing our own talents, because we'd never be as good as so-and-so.

Some self-help gurus train their followers that life is a competition. That in order to come out on top we have to be ruthless and competitive and shove others out of our way to get what we want. I say, and so have a lot of other spiritual leaders, that is the 100% wrong way to go about life! We are all in this boat together. If we step on everyone on our way up, then we will be lonely at the top. We should look at life as a big cake.

Sure, we could hog it all ourselves, and feel fuller, and waste some of it when it gets stale, but wouldn't it be nicer to invite our fellows in to have a piece and share the goodness of it? I met a man that I had to work with once, who was so competitive that no one wanted to turn their back on him, because they knew as soon as they did, there would be his knife sticking out of it. Maybe he was trained that it was okay to do that to get what he wanted. A lot of people do that. We all know people who behave like they know everything, even though we know they don't.

By monopolizing conversations and trying to tell us things that we already know, or that we know more about than they do, so we know that they are wrong, while they think they are coming off as superior, we can see through all the hot air and know that their superiority is masking their feelings of inferiority. I pity them because until they get enough help to feel secure in their selves, they feel that they have to attack us to feel good. 1 is a lonely number. In a competition in real life, no one wins because someone's going to get hurt and someone's wrong thinking and skewed views of the world may be reinforced if they do "win".

We should be educated as to who our teachers are. Why they believe what they believe. Was it from decades of study, or did a thing happen to them once, and now they base their whole teaching model on one experience? Hurt people teach hurting others. People who have found love for themselves, teach love for others. We should never follow someone blindly. We should research them and read enough of their "doctrine" to get a feel for where they're coming from. We should be concerned with how they fit into our beliefs. We should never change our core person to fit into someone else's mold. We should be our number1 teacher. We will need help in the beginning to find who we are, and what we want out of life, but when we have that knowledge, we can't be led astray so easily.

By educating ourselves on what our motives and expectations are, we can help avoid future disappointments and setting ourselves up for them. By knowing who we are and what we want, we won't compare ourselves to others and we won't feel the need to use others as stepping stones. By listening to our inner voice and the voice that is our guiding compass in this world, we won't be led astray by people who don't really have our best interests at heart, people who may be trying to recreate in your life what went out of control in theirs. By helping your own personal education, your journey will be smoother for us all. When you create your own reality, it also rubs up against others' realities remember. We are all in this together.

Here lies the hoping cross-road
Only one chance on alive
All must pay the price we hold
Just this jump on alive

Take the horse and run along
Its only now for today
There stands nothing wrong in plunging along
Take the bull by the horn onward you may

It’s your time no tomorrow
Can’t turn the hand of time
So many things you follow but yourself
Can’t live fine without your line

Only one chance for this life
Take it or leave it you may
But the future lies plying to fight
This is your time and days
Salau O John©

I am but nothing fought
But my words in print did prevailed
I have been counted to be naught
But I sent my words unveiled

I may not make it there
But my words did it without fear
The world boo, bars and mars me
But happy I am in Gods light free

I know that I’ll make it there
If my words could without fear and care
It’s only a matter of time in God’s plan
I was made not only to stare but also to be there

There’s a place made for all men
Through works, words or wisdom in luck
Our ways do differ for growth in many ways
If I can, you can with Gods trust-tuck
Salau O John©

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Knowing You've Got "Back-Up" and Hanging in There

We all express ourselves in different ways. Some of us flow like water, while others of us are as reserved as stone. Some of us spout colorful metaphors while others of us speak only what is necessary. Our life flows in the way that we guide it. Like irrigating, we lay the path that our life flows in to a certain extent. Our attitudes and beliefs affect our whole being. If we want our flow to go a certain way, then we have to take steps that will lead it that way. Like the old saying, "the Lord helps those who help themselves". I believe that and I believe that each of us has a wonderful destiny that we are capable of achieving, if we just take the steps needed to get there. I believe that if you meet God/the Universe half way, that God will be there for you. You just have to have faith.

We can sit back and follow the current, as some people advice, and that IS good advice if you want to have less worry and anxiety in your life; but someone put to me, what if the flow takes me to a place that I don't want to go! A place that I find distasteful and just plain wrong for me? I said then, get back in your boat and paddle back out into the stream and follow the next current and see if it is the one that takes you to where you want to go. The river of life is vast and changes like a real one, sometimes choppy, sometimes smooth sailing. People always want the path of least resistance. That's not the way that anything is ever discovered though is it? Only by following each flow that brings knowledge and experience will we learn and grow and find ourselves and where we want to be in life. I'm not talking about sitting around being lazy, just taking what comes your way, although I know of people who have done this and are perfectly happy with their lives believing that God gives them what God wants them to have, so for them that's then true.

Some people are passive about what they do and feel that they are just watching their lives unfold, like a movie. I believe in a more directed flow. I believe that to successfully navigate the river of life, you have to be aware of where you want to go. You have to have the presence of mind to know where to steer to. You have to have the ability to decide what is for you, and what isn't. It takes energy. In return you will be given energy. When you know where you want to be, the flow will become more focused and lead you there. We are at the paddles after all. The water gives us life and is life. The boat is our body. The flow is our life. We can have great, grandiose plans, but maybe that's not what we're here for. Maybe that great Energy that gave us life has other plans for us that our ambitions don't even measure up to. When we can learn to be ourselves and be still and think about what we want and who we are, then that energy will come along and help us to succeed at being ourselves. We can ride the flow of it with the knowledge that now that we know where we are going, the ride will be easier. If we resist it's plans for our own, we will just find frustration and it will keep leading us in whirlpool like circles until we learn what we need to.

The flow was planned before we came here to Earth, I believe. We have a genuine feel for it in the core of our being. We may not remember what was said before we came here, but our soul does. We have always been who we are. We may have gone different ways in times past, but we have always desired to be our best selves. We have always had an inkling of a destination in the back of our minds. Our essence may have changed during times, but we always come back to center if we stop and catch up with ourselves. We can find our goal if we actively seek it. The details matter less than the journey. It's the journey of discovery or rediscovery for most of us. If our plans don't match with who we are on the inside, they will never make us happy. Our process is to discover who we are and who we want to be. The flow of our life can only be successful once we have that rudder in our boat. The energy is our guide. We by ourselves would be nothing. It created us and it loves us.

The flow wants us to be our best selves. We just have to trust that and know that it "has our backs". The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry don't they? The route is the one that leads us home to our destination. No relationship with another person will be as important as the one we have with the Energy that created us. We sometimes set up destructive patterns for ourselves and lead ourselves in cycles of confusion. The flow is showing us that we haven't learned a lesson there that we need to move on. It won't let us go forward until we are ready. Our river flows where it is destined to, but it is also the destiny that we have chosen for ourselves once we know our selves. It's an easy trip when you know where you're headed. Take a breath and push off into your river of life. Find your current and take it in the faith that even if you come to dead ends, you'll eventually end up where you belong.

This boils the mind daily
Tasking the mind to breed
It’s the thought of working, living gaily
The joy dies out each day

As days are wasted for growth
Running for others to become
The worries bother and loathe
We are trying but this success?

O the pains none understands
Waking up early sleeping late
Time rolling for others stand
Hoping and running for our own

This drain of success is killing
For who is praised for this?
No days to rest in the billings
Another day is calling again today!
Salau O John©

Sometimes we go through it
Other times we relent in this
Daily our hearts goes to fit
As we make the choice of life

Who knows who understand this?
Whether good or bad tomorrow
Today will speak bad or bliss
As we walk on becoming something

In relationship and life, the choice
What will tomorrow hold for us?
The mind pose that we choose
Though thinking may have died out

In love and business many things
We overlook this and work that
How our lives calls for reigning
These choices will burn maybe tomorrow
Salau O John©

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Follow One Course Until Successful

If you are a regular reader of my write-ups then you will know that to live an empowered life, a life which allows you to do whatever it is you want to do, be or achieve, you can only do so if you are focussed. The question is, I suppose, how can you become focussed?

The answer lies in the title of this write-up!

• Follow
• One
• Course
• Until
• Successful

Has this ever happened to you...

You've planned your course of action and along comes someone with a great opportunity which you just can't refuse. You think to yourself, that's okay, I can do both things at once. And maybe you can, but the reality is that your focus for each opportunity has become halved. It is really easy to set out on one course of action and become sidetracked along the way with another opportunity.

Or, the course of action for your first endeavour becomes a bit tricky, requiring a bit more effort than you initially thought. The result? You become more easily sidetracked! So, what can you do to be focussed and STAY focussed?

A writer friend of mine has heaps of projects on the go at any given time – and wonders why it is she never seems to get anything finished. The answer is simple: her focus is so scattered that she's completely lost it (the focus that is!).

My advice to him has always been to concentrate on one project until he has produced a first draft, and then move on to the next project. One day he'll listen to me!

To become focussed on anything – whether it is to become a best-selling novelist, national chess champion, employee of the month etc - you need to begin with the end result in mind. Ask yourself these two questions: What do I want? What do I have to do to get it? The good news is: you don't have to do it all at once!

What you ultimately want to achieve can be broken down into some very simple steps….

Start with today. This is your current state of mind. What is the one most important thing you can do today, that will assist you in achieving your goal?

When you've identified that one most important thing, it becomes your focus of the day. Having just one focus in a day is much more achievable than having five or six. The rule you must set for yourself is: don't allow anyone or anything to sidetrack you. Remember this, if you lose the focus today, you have already lost focus on the end result.

Give yourself three or four days to get used to the idea of focussing on just one thing. And then ….
Set out the most important thing you want to achieve this week. Write it down. Pin it on a board, tack it to a wall, prop it on your desk – place it anywhere which will catch your attention. These are important steps. The act of writing it down sends a message to your subconscious. Being able to see it every day reinforces your intention to stay focussed.

You will, of course, still have an important focus every day – and each will contribute in some way to your weekly focus.

If the ultimate result is to occur over a long period of time, you may want to set a focus for each month, each quarter, each year, depending on what it is you want.

Which brings me to my next point...

If you want something to happen in a year – go overseas for a month's holiday, for example – then you may want to backtrack. In other words, start by writing down your focus for the year: go on an African safari, for instance, and pin it on your board. Jot down what you need to achieve six months, three months, two months, and one month before you go. Write down what the focus will be for each of the se periods. Work your way back until you come to the present time.

I ALWAYS achieve my goals. Friends see me as a workaholic, when in fact, I am focussed … and driven. I decide what I want, what I have to do to get it, write out the steps and concentrate on fulfilling each step.

The same method will work for you.

And as long as you are focussed, you can be/do/achieve absolutely anything in your lifetime.

So, go out and claim your dreams, you deserve it!

Nothing is worth doing at all
He who attempt it will find it
Yet it must be tried not to fall
Why wait for a season un-assumable?

What you do makes you the you
And every difficulty a future solution
Though sometimes they say it’s undue
But what’s due without trying

Our futures wails in never attempting
And the enemy laughs our downfall
For all human a booth in manipulation
Yet to rise must things be done

Try it, do it; words of champions
For to the Lord you are no failure
But not to be, be above companion
Yet make that sure in future stride
Salau O John©

Monday, November 9, 2009

Life and Phases

As we grow and learn we come closer to being the person that we want to be. Our families give us a starting place to build on, or an example of what we don't want to build our lives upon. Our childhood shows us how to negotiate the world, and hopefully how to adapt and step out into our rightful place in it. We listen to stories and imagine what we would do in such situations, or imagine that we are that character and fantasize how we would handle different things. Family members, friends and teachers who tell us stories are helping us to use our imaginations and develop basic empathy, problem solving skills and just a plain desire to reach for the stars and be who we want to be.

In the Nigeria reading has fallen behind other industrialized nations and some research believes that this is due in part to a lack of parents reading to their children. The numbers are back on the rise with school boards catching on and requiring 10 to 20 minutes of reading a night, students choice, as homework. But still about only 72% of parents are reading to their children. Studies have shown that especially three to five year olds can gain about seven I.Q. points per year by being read to and thinking about the situations in the stories, and finding out new words. This responsibility falls mainly on parents. Most intelligent, enlightened parents do read to their children. Especially toddlers need that mental stimulation to help them find new things to think about. They will be more imaginative and adaptive than their peers. Who doesn't love a good story?!

Students who go to nursery school have an edge over their peers, too. They learn the alphabet faster. They learn how to write their names sooner. They learn basic counting math. They also learn more eye-hand tasks such as building with different materials, basic measuring and balancing objects. They learn social skills that will be necessary in elementary school. The Nigerian Census states that the number of children in some form of nursery school grows by nearly one million a year! This of course grows as the population does, but more and more parents realize that the benefits of socializing their children early on can carry over into their school and adult careers. Children report being happy for the most part and feel a sense of accomplishment when they complete tasks in nursery school.

Early childhood is just one phase in our development, but it is an important one. It's our start, our caterpillar stage where we need to feel safe, secure, loved and nurtured. We can grow and develop as we should if these needs get met. If they do not, we will probably have a hard time growing up. Then we will have to try and meet these needs for ourselves later on, with varying degrees of success. This is especially true of children with disabilities. These best outcomes happen with good, enriching, authoritative parenting. Toddlers can not care for themselves and they rely on their caregivers to expand their minds and skills. Preschool is one of the best ways. Children with disabilities such as ADHD, Autism and various brain disorders are more readily than previous decades, being welcomed into preschool settings. All children should be involved in some type of enrichment even if it is parent based with socialization at parks or play groups. The goal would be to have all children start out on an even plane.

If you were lost in the shuffle, and haven't found yourself yet, don't fret. You have learned something from your family. We know at least what we don't want in our lives. We know how to use our minds to escape our troubles. Whether it's movies, music or another distraction. We know what kind of life that we would like to have. If you never were read to, or don't like to read, overcome that and pick up a book! Read to your children. They deserve it. So did and do, you. If your parents were less than ideal, and no one's were perfect, indulge your inner child and curl up with a good book, maybe one that you always wanted to have as a kid, or maybe one to suit your tastes now. Teach your children proper book usage and care. Give yourself and your children the gift of imagination! You'll be surprised at how enthused they, and you become about reading once a regular time has been established, and becomes routine. Dive in!

If you had problems starting out in school, well, that's over! Not the best in English class? That's over, too. Penmanship suck? Mine, too! LOL! Terrible at math? I was until 9th grade! Not the most athletic or graceful, well so what?! If you couldn't get along with others, it was probably because you weren't getting along at home. We owe it to our children to keep them up with their peers. It will keep them competitive and competant like we all want to be. Haven't you discovered that you were able to do something well, and felt proud?

We only get one shot per lifetime. We never get a do-over on growing from toddler to child. If our needs weren't met by our caregivers, we will search out our own way of meeting them and until one becomes mindful of this and finds constructive ways of doing this, it can get pretty ugly! We need to forgive ourselves if we acted out to get our needs met. We just wanted what we felt that we needed. We may have been unable to see any light at the end of the tunnel. If we were pretty much ignored, we probably got to a point where we would make sure that we weren't going to be ignored anymore! We can visit our inner child and help them to heal feelings that we carry from early childhood of how people felt about us and how we felt about them and our life situation. Be gentle to yourself, you deserve to pass through that phase and come out with your needs met so that you can move on and explore the world. Make your children's early years good ones and memorable, too.

Thought change is attitude corrected
And attitude brought about altitude
Yet many things yoked dejected
But that alight burrow fortitude

Thoughts make the world possible
Though changes are hard to tie
But a correct turning, a credible
Even when all things want sigh

With your thoughts comes your doing
And with the mind wears all change
For the power to form lays your going
Though the world, a friend thy strange

Here hope coping change thoughts
For the lesson you ought taught
Here comes the heaving, your heart
But that change yours to chart
Salau O John©