We can sit back and follow the current, as some people advice, and that IS good advice if you want to have less worry and anxiety in your life; but someone put to me, what if the flow takes me to a place that I don't want to go! A place that I find distasteful and just plain wrong for me? I said then, get back in your boat and paddle back out into the stream and follow the next current and see if it is the one that takes you to where you want to go. The river of life is vast and changes like a real one, sometimes choppy, sometimes smooth sailing. People always want the path of least resistance. That's not the way that anything is ever discovered though is it? Only by following each flow that brings knowledge and experience will we learn and grow and find ourselves and where we want to be in life. I'm not talking about sitting around being lazy, just taking what comes your way, although I know of people who have done this and are perfectly happy with their lives believing that God gives them what God wants them to have, so for them that's then true.
Some people are passive about what they do and feel that they are just watching their lives unfold, like a movie. I believe in a more directed flow. I believe that to successfully navigate the river of life, you have to be aware of where you want to go. You have to have the presence of mind to know where to steer to. You have to have the ability to decide what is for you, and what isn't. It takes energy. In return you will be given energy. When you know where you want to be, the flow will become more focused and lead you there. We are at the paddles after all. The water gives us life and is life. The boat is our body. The flow is our life. We can have great, grandiose plans, but maybe that's not what we're here for. Maybe that great Energy that gave us life has other plans for us that our ambitions don't even measure up to. When we can learn to be ourselves and be still and think about what we want and who we are, then that energy will come along and help us to succeed at being ourselves. We can ride the flow of it with the knowledge that now that we know where we are going, the ride will be easier. If we resist it's plans for our own, we will just find frustration and it will keep leading us in whirlpool like circles until we learn what we need to.
The flow was planned before we came here to Earth, I believe. We have a genuine feel for it in the core of our being. We may not remember what was said before we came here, but our soul does. We have always been who we are. We may have gone different ways in times past, but we have always desired to be our best selves. We have always had an inkling of a destination in the back of our minds. Our essence may have changed during times, but we always come back to center if we stop and catch up with ourselves. We can find our goal if we actively seek it. The details matter less than the journey. It's the journey of discovery or rediscovery for most of us. If our plans don't match with who we are on the inside, they will never make us happy. Our process is to discover who we are and who we want to be. The flow of our life can only be successful once we have that rudder in our boat. The energy is our guide. We by ourselves would be nothing. It created us and it loves us.
The flow wants us to be our best selves. We just have to trust that and know that it "has our backs". The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry don't they? The route is the one that leads us home to our destination. No relationship with another person will be as important as the one we have with the Energy that created us. We sometimes set up destructive patterns for ourselves and lead ourselves in cycles of confusion. The flow is showing us that we haven't learned a lesson there that we need to move on. It won't let us go forward until we are ready. Our river flows where it is destined to, but it is also the destiny that we have chosen for ourselves once we know our selves. It's an easy trip when you know where you're headed. Take a breath and push off into your river of life. Find your current and take it in the faith that even if you come to dead ends, you'll eventually end up where you belong.
This boils the mind daily
Tasking the mind to breed
It’s the thought of working, living gaily
The joy dies out each day
As days are wasted for growth
Running for others to become
The worries bother and loathe
We are trying but this success?
O the pains none understands
Waking up early sleeping late
Time rolling for others stand
Hoping and running for our own
This drain of success is killing
For who is praised for this?
No days to rest in the billings
Another day is calling again today!
Salau O John©
Sometimes we go through it
Other times we relent in this
Daily our hearts goes to fit
As we make the choice of life
Who knows who understand this?
Whether good or bad tomorrow
Today will speak bad or bliss
As we walk on becoming something
In relationship and life, the choice
What will tomorrow hold for us?
The mind pose that we choose
Though thinking may have died out
In love and business many things
We overlook this and work that
How our lives calls for reigning
These choices will burn maybe tomorrow
Salau O John©
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