Thursday, April 1, 2010

Let The Holiday Ring With A New Sound!

For the holiday we are in, learn something new to help you out there!

The holidays can cause us to lose sight of the spirit of joy and peace of the season while rushing around with Easter preparation. We get stressed and sometimes angry while getting our homes ready to make the most important people in our lives happy on that special day.

Somehow that doesn't make too much sense. It's counterproductive to plan a successful holiday event or plan to attend one if you have to be angry or stressed before the "Big Day." My thought is to use Easter holiday preparation as a time to practice being at peace no matter what goes wrong or how much you have to do.

Besides the obvious tips such as prioritizing and not taking on too many activities or responsibilities, I thought I'd go a step further. I suggest we all use this Easter to become more patient, kind and loving to all – even to those who we find most irritating, such as a grumpy neighbor or the "know-it-all relative we try to avoid.

Taking on this challenge will develop in us a deeper character to not just get through difficult times but to think of them as challenges for improving how we appreciate the good in our lives and the joy of spreading kindness. Patience takes practice, so it won't do to say, "I've never had patience," or "I'm not a patient person," and then expect everyone to work around your determination to be quick to anger or to get frustrated. Be the one to smile and let things go.

Don't point out trivial behaviors in others that may not be acceptable to you, but are not really going to bring anyone harm. A smile and a kind look can dissipate trouble rather than a challenging remark that is guaranteed to begin trouble. Shifting to kindness after a heated moment of anger will set the tone for peace to be restored. I believe that small defining moments create who we really are.

If we care about others enough to think beyond our personal feelings, we'll not only be in control of our environment no matter where we are, but we'll always grow in the direction of successful patterns that will create what we desire to achieve. Practicing self-control is to have control! It makes us leaders, and tells others we're not small-minded, but large hearted and at the same time intelligent and wise. This amounts to respect and honor.

People will give you great blessings because you will be revered as a peace maker and a man or women who is fair and just. Let this Ester develop in you an attitude of looking at the negative sides of others from the point of view of a parent and true friend. They see the faults of their children, friends, yet they love them all the same. We can do this very thing with others. Instead of complaining that someone treated you mean, look at their actions as if they were a child and you are the adult.

Think about how that feels. Doesn't it give you a feeling of empowerment? Don't you feel very adult and in charge of the situation? Those feelings will not only bring successful results in the present, but they will create in you a feeling of confidence that you can make what you want to happen. Let your love so shine this Easter so that there will be no need to think about your daily resolutions. You'll already be in control to accomplish whatever it is that you want. Let it always be kindness first!

Till next time
Salau O John
Poet, Author, Coach & Publisher

Going, going, always going; one day gone
When we’re missing the melodies of life
The process that is daily followed
One day the music will stand lit

Ambition, focus, the music of life neglected
The regrets of all undone in parts
The words unsaid and broken promises
Life caught in the oceans of art

The music stops, the rhythm of life dies
That of love makes the heart broken
Questions probes the world to fights
And no answer portrays to the living

Caging the heart breaking the mission
Dance to the rhythm of passion
And let the ambition flow with purpose
Just reverberate the lost days
Salau O John©

The issues of the human minds
The throes of life in thinking
The thoughts propelled by different kinds
How on earth can man comprehend?

The thoughts of business and relationships
The bugs of heartbreaks and poverty
The back-turned human burning lordship
Who can comprehend these burning tides?

As the journey goes on differently here
The pangs of different connotations bout
Faces differ, only the best must care
Life only in sphere does exist

Our thoughts probes us daily
What we know is half boiled
Only learning keeps us here daily
As understanding birth peaceful progress
Salau O John©2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Knowing Those Around You


Just some thought on friends and the thoughts propelled.
It's so amazing thinking about the knowledge we share and the people we think we know or don't really know.

Many times I hear people say if they only knew what those around them were thinking or who they are.
 Not as hard as most people think to tell what kind of people they are associating with. No, not hard at all for anyone that is even a little bit aware and alert to those around them. We all have the ability to know those around us, the challenge is most are too lazy to wake up and pay attention.

How many times have I heard the words from others and yes from my self "if I had only known?" Most of us do know subconsciously we just do not want to acknowledge it on a conscious level. People tell us all of the time who they are and what they are about we just are not listening to them.

When someone tells me that others are not listening to them I know the one not listening is them. When one tells me no one cares the uncaring one is this one. When someone is always talking about someone's lies they are most often involved in lies. When someone is always talking about the corruption of others it is sure they are the corrupt one.

Words, the power everyone is seeking is in words. The words we speak, the words we think as well as the words we receive.

Listening and its art thereof are among the most useful skills a person can learn. Allow me a few minutes with most anyone and I will tell you who they are. People tell me all of the time who they are and never even know it. The negative ones tell me how negative everyone they know is and how negative the world is.

The good ones are telling how nice and good everyone is and how well they are treated. What someone calls me or those around them is exactly what they are themselves.
It is amazing how transparent most people are with the words they use to describe others and the world they live in.

Listen, listen, listen this is the key to life. This is the reason we have two ears and one mouth. Yes my friends take the time to really listen and you too will know the world around you.

It is a big, beautiful world that wants only for you what you want for yourselves. Begin to program the world, the Universe and yourself by the words you are using for by your words will you receive.

Tell the world that money is not important to you and money will go to one that it is important to. Tell the world that you only want enough to get by and pay your bills with and that is exactly what is sent to you. Exactly what you ask for.

Begin to see the beauty in your world and let that world know that you expect only the best in everything as well as having an abundant life.

Were you aware that atonement is actually at-one-ment. That is right at-one-ment or in other words being at one with your world and those around us. If only our leaders could learn of at-one-ment. For that matter if only the churches would learn what atonement is all about. In all my years in the church I do not believe I ever heard a single minister explain atonement in this manner. For that matter most churches aren't at one with themselves much less others. If they were it would be a one world church, a one world government, a one world people.

We are all one and the sooner we find that out and begin to live it the sooner the hatred will stop. WE must become one with ourselves first, then with Spirit and then with those around us and finally with ALL people.
Now as I am one with all of you know that I Love and Believe in you.

Here and there we go
Men in different shades flow
But there’s a call neglected

There’s a word sent out before
Come home now to live more
But the heart its course doth take
At the end, down we all break

How often will ego control humans?
How often will running bait men?
A faction is asking way home
Where are those not alone?

Come home come home today!
Even withered leaves mourning flay
For in dissipation loneliness comes depriving
Coming home lays men’s only approving
Salau O John© 

Caught in the euphoria of acceptance
Another day another month brewed
The heart thought of days of reliance
When love was always in the mind

My days are joyful in god today
Looking back He forgive no matter
As I become foolish wisdom He trays
I may be lonely but I’m not

I see love on every side but mine
For the earthly says goodbye not heavenly
One man says faith without believing line
And I’ll always be there is a fiction

The burden of a moment kills words
And the test of time impair judgment
It’s a lonely joyous day I sword
For my heart lays all above bare
Salau O John©