Sunday, January 24, 2016



Hope you are really having a swell time with this series?

My purpose here is to glorify God by helping you to discover yourself, build you, train and impact you with the necessary information that will change your life, finances, career, relationships, business, ministry and family; to make of you a success before God and man through proven Biblical truths, prayers and life principles.

Let us continue our lesson please:

Avoiding strife is not a suggestion;  it is a command.

The servant of the Lord must not be in strife. You are a servant   of   the   Lord,  so   you   cannot   quarrel,   bicker   and fight   with  anyone.   But   be   gentle   unto   all   men,   apt   to teach,   patient,   In   meekness   instructing   those   that oppose   themselves  (or   those   that   are   in   strife   and opposition   to   one   another);  if   God   peradventure   will give   them   repentance   to   the   acknowledging   of   the
truth;   And  that   they   may  recover   themselves   out  of  the snare  of  the   devil,  who  are  taken   captive  by  him  at  his will (2 Tim.2:24-26).

You   cannot   afford   strife.   It   will   cause   you   to   be taken   captive   by   Satan   at   Satan's   will.   You   are   no longer   a   civilian.   You   are   a   soldier   of   the   Cross.   You have   answered   the   call   and   taken   your   place   in   the ranks   of  the   forces   of  Almighty  God.  Put  on  the   armor and   fight   the   good   fight   of   faith.  If   you   surrender   to the   enemy,  you  will   be  worthless   to   the  kingdom  of God.  The   last   thing   God   needs   is   for   His   army   to become prisoners of war!

When you are  not walking in love  and have strife in your   life,   the   gifts   of   the   Spirit   are   stopped.   First Corinthians  13:1-3   says,  Though   I   speak   with  tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity (love), I am become   as   sounding   brass,   or   a   tinkling   cymbal.   And though   I   have  the   gift  of  prophecy,   and  understand  all mysteries,   and   all   knowledge;   and   though   I   have   all faith,   so   that   I   could   remove  mountains,   and   have   not charity  (love),  I   am   nothing.   And   though   I   bestow   all my  goods   to   feed   the   poor,  and  though   I   give  my  body to   be   burned,   and   have   not   charity   (love),  it profiteth me nothing.

The words of wisdom and of   knowledge,   the   gift   of faith,   gifts   of   healing,   working   of   miracles,  discerning of   spirits,   tongues   and   interpretation   of   tongues   and prophecy   are   nine   weapons   of   our   warfare.   If   Satan attacks   them   individually,   he   has   nine   fights   on   his hands.  All  he   has   to   do   to   defeat   all   of   them  in   one stroke   is   simply   cause   strife   among   those   who   are operating  in   the   gifts.  Think  about  that   in   the   light   of James 3:16: where there is strife, there is confusion and every   evil   work.  No   wonder   there   has   been   so   much confusion   connected   with  the   operation   of   the   gifts   of
the Spirit.

Stand  on  the   Word  of  God  and  take   control   of  your feelings.  Strife   is   born   in   the   emotions.  To   control your   emotions,  you   must   control   your   tongue.  The Bible   says   that   the   person   who   can   control   his   words
can gain mastery over his entire body (James3:2).
Be dedicated.
Decide to please the Father.
Decide to live in victory.
Decide to walk the life of love.
Decide to live by faith.

Make   the   quality,   no-turning-back   decision   that   if your faith won't get it, then you won't  have it—because you are determined to live by faith!

Satan will see to it that sooner or later you will come to   a   place   where   you   will   have   to   make   the   choice.

Don't   ever   make  the   choice   to   do   it   the   easy   way   and not believe God  for it. When it comes down to  it, stand on   the   Word   and   use   your   faith. Always   take   the Word   way.  Always   take   the   faith   way.   Stand immovable on the promises of God.

God will keep you safe in His will in Jesus name!


Join me again tomorrow for the continuation

John Olanrewaju
Pastor, Author, Poet, Creativity, Business, Relationship, Career & Life Coach

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