Whenever you envy other people you hurt your self esteem, which after a time, can push you farther from the success you most assuredly deserve. This is because how we value ourselves determines how we handle life and evaluate our circumstances.
At times we let our feelings get hurt because of what we believe to be insensitive comments or actions against us by others, but many timeswe're more cruel to ourselves than anyone else has been toward us.
We need to look beyond the image of ourselves we see in the mirror and look inward to the person who needs to be treated with kindness and understanding, the way we do for our family members and even strangers who we've just met.
Some of us can be harder on ourselves than on anyone else can, so perhaps this is the very reason you find yourself envying others or not realizing the goals that you've set. Those who have achieved the success you desire to have for yourself didn't get where they are because they're smarter and more financially sound than you are. The one quality that all successful people share is the ability to look at their mistakes as stepping stones to their successes. Where others see failure, they instead see the process of elimination working to move them forward to the next step of understanding.
They don't waste time hating themselves or envying others. They don't whine and complain that everything is against them. THEY DON'T HAVE TIME! They're too busy having fun traveling the road of success. And they're too optimistic to look at hard times or a difficult background as a reason for not accomplishing what they desire. Instead, they see them as opportunities to achieve what they want, because they believe they deserve the best. They press forward no matter what and always finish the race.
If you're not achieving all that you desire, try believing in yourself. It's a great success booster and an ideal way to enjoy yourlife. Try it! You'll see what I mean.
One of Whitney Houston's songs says "Learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all." True enough. In order to love others, you must love yourself too. Remember, you cannot give what you don't have. So not only will you have more success in life, you'll have better relationships as well. Success without others to share it with is lonely.
So stop thinking of yourself as a second-rate person. Forget the repetitive thought of "If only I was richer… if only I was thinner" and so on. Accepting your true self is the first step toward success. Everyone must avoid comparing themselves to others by loving who they are and appreciating the differences we all share.
Everyone has insecurities because no one is perfect. There will always be things we desire to change about ourselves, but life doesn't have to be perfect for people to be happy about themselves.
With self esteem we can love ourselves while we make the improvements we can without having to shout to the whole world that we're perfect and the best. We don't need to be better than others to love ourselves, we just need to love being who we are without wanting to be anyone else.
Here hails that you’ve got
Yet from here to there the search
But the way your way you fought
And pave way another’s shoe-show
Wished you think yearn things out
Your roles and rays in that you’ve got
And using it a fine joy throughout
But learn only the important suite
What you’ve got is you
But other talents why loot
So many times your work’s undue
Yet the path do must pave un-tooth
A future yours your fight mesmerized
Though in others eyes you are socks
But persistence with patience memorize
For many in luck do find the bucks
Salau O John©
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