School is usually our first big transition. Events in our lives follow along after that like stones in a stream. Children are not secure enough usually to handle transition well. Separation anxiety is common when they have to go away to school. Parents should be empathetic and let them talk as much as they want to about it. Other people are strange to us, until we get to know them, and can be a source of stress. Nursery school can be a good buffer to get kids ready for "big kid" school. New environments can be scary to us! As children we need our parents' help processing this. Finding support is important to us as adults as well. People with a good support system can handle the transitions in life better. Encouragement from a family member or friend can make all of the difference in whether we succeed or not in a transition.
Learning new skills opens us up to more transitions. In the school of life, we are constantly learning if we are open to it. We are all Earth's children. Our attitude has a lot to do with our success at a transition point. We can choose to be open and learn from our experiences, or close ourselves up and be in a rut forever. During the day, most of us have scheduled time in which to do certain tasks. As parents, we know that our kids have a school schedule, too. Their attitudes about school determine their success, too. Learning is an opportunity that some people won't get. There are still pockets of civilization where not everyone has access to an education.
Transitions will happen, whether we want them to, or not. Our homes may change. Our schools may change. We have new things that we have to do. If we are open to these experiences, we can successfully negotiate transitions. Sometimes, we don't want a particular transition, and if it's within your power to stop something that you don't want to happen, to happen, then by all means do your best to guide your life into a different direction! Sometimes we have no choice in transitions in our life, and then we just need to accept things as they are and make the best of things. It's o.k. to feel a little sad, or lost during a transition, we all feel that sometimes.
If we trust in ourselves, and in our Higher Power, that we are being led into our best life, then we will be. We can keep our minds in the present moment and experience all of our thoughts and feelings during a transition and decide if we wish to still remain on this path. Ultimately, transitions are up to you. You can plug in and become a part of the new situation, you can decide that it's unacceptable and take steps to change it, or you can steer your lifeboat in a different direction in your life-stream while still being a part of the new situation in hopes that something better will come along for you. It's your life and it's your decision on what kind of reality you wish to create.
Hated by the world no lie
But here lies who you are
Although loved for what you are not
Try to tray not in another person’s sir
Where lies your footprint
No greatness in idle inhibition
And your power lies not in another’s track
For inhibition stands a limitation
Your own steps only must ply
For the world waits your impression
And that which mars stands only if untried
For your impression lies your promotion
What you are is what you are
Though the world you may hate
But all these the world do fear
And you are what you are only in your impression
Salau O John©
The wisdom of wishing education
Wisdom from parents to peer groups
The power of the book for connotation
From teachers to lecturers
The steps are ordered of men and God
The legacy of the mind for money
With a future tame-plan of humans
The old, the young hoped in its honey
But it was a heart of war without sword
The growth do gnaw at heart
Fathers, mothers, the pains do bear
Yet for life the future stands alert
O for the growth, the child no fear
Salau O John©
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