Friday, March 19, 2010

Let It Go

All the best to you my friends,
Just a quick note to prone you up and get you moving forward today:

Life is far too short to worry about what others think though we all do.

If you want to spend your time and your mental energy on creating a better, fuller life for you, your friends and your family then so be it.

Why let those little voices, those memories of what didn't go right, and all those mean spirited individuals who have nothing better to do than attempt to kill your dreams because they're too scared or dull to have any of their own hold you back?

Simply let it ALL go.

The guilt. The fear. The pressure. The problems of the past.

Let it go.

Let go of their expectations.

Let go of what they think you can't do.

Let go of all those little voices that hold you back.

If you know it's your time then go do it.

Get all the checks in the mail YOU want.

Recruit as many people at the push of a button as YOU want.

Let YOUR income soar to insane levels. Give your talent and creativity a PUSH!

And . . .

Consider it simply a job well done.

Hold no guilt!

You know as well as I do that all those claiming you "can't" will be the first to ask you how they can when you've proved them wrong.

It's you! The person with a will of steel and a heart of total focus and conviction that CAN!

So do:

And when they come crawling back for your help. Smile and do all that you can for them.

To the top,

Salau O John (O.O.J) 
Leaving you with a wonderful memoir.
Do what you must do now!!! 

What you’ve got
Here hails that you’ve got
Yet from here to there the search
But the way your way you fought
And pave way another's shoe-show

Wished you think yearn things out
Your roles and rays in that you’ve got
And using it a fine joy throughout
But learn only the important suite

What you’ve got is you
But other talents why loot
So many times your work’s undue
Yet the path do must pave un-tooth

A future yours your fight mesmerized
Though in others eyes you are socks
But persistence with patience memorize
For many in luck do find the bucks
Salau O John©
Be happy with it
It brings so much pressure
From it you derive so much pleasure
But stick with it until it fits
And care not the colors that lit

Enjoy your talent while it tolls
For the time will fight regaining joy
I call for laughter cooling the polls
Yet only God your happiness toy

It was a gift swarming adrift
You ask not for it but sift
Give for the happiness that sails
And learn to sow the life tails

Happy-hope for forwardness slain
Your gift to bail happiness you
Here fails not a time that claims
Yet be happy in life, for you the bucks
Salau O John©

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