Monday, November 23, 2009

What Do You Do If You’re Stuck On The Wrong Career Path

Many people finally realize they're on the wrong career path or they've reached a dead end in their job at a time when it's not so easy to turn around and begin again. The majority of us didn't understand how to take what we enjoyed as children and turn it into a fulfilling career so we took employment solely to earn a living.

There is certainly wisdom in making a choice to work, and all honest work efforts should be praised, but there comes a point when the heart begins to cry out that it's just not happy through signs of boredom, lack of concentration, and perhaps massive complaining about one's work.

Believe it or not, choosing the right career is not a cerebral decision, it's a matter of the heart. This is why some children can know from almost the time they can speak what they wish to do. For instance, my brother was a late bloomer while I knew my career choice from the time I was in standard four (primary four), though I had my ups and downs.

Children are more in touch with their hearts and this is why they can easily know what they will do with their lives. However, if we don't have someone to guide us into that fulfillment or we don't have strong, determined personalities, we'll disregard what we once enjoyed as childish dreams when we become adults.

When I finally decide to look into myself and work things for the best and figured out my purpose in life, it turned out to be what I loved to do as a child. I loved writing, singing, teaching and art and even got published in magazines and poetry circles newsletters. However, I was consistently told as a child that everything I did had little or no worth. So I lost my dreams and lived with a void for many years.

So if you find yourself dangling on the precipice of boredom with your career or job, it's time to turn back the clocks and examine what you enjoyed to do as a child. First of all, I just want to say that its not positive to blame anyone for keeping you from your dreams, and that includes your parents. In order for career discovery and development to take place you'll need to lovingly forgive and forget everyone who you believe didn't have your best interest at heart when you were a child.

Once that is done, take time to remember all instances in your childhood where you had joy and fulfillment. Ask yourself questions such as what did I enjoy doing at school, in my alone times, or with family and friends?

If the answers aren't forthcoming right away, don't push. Just continue with your current work and do it to the best of your ability. No matter what it is, it's still important work because it holds a function in life. It just isn't your heart's desire. So respect your current work for a feeling of fulfillment and success. These are important character traits you'll need in order to move forward with your life's work.

Once you have the answer you'll know because suddenly you'll feel as if a thousand fireworks have exploded all around you and your heart will be pumping fast with excitement. You'll feel the resurgence of life and at that point you'll be ready for development.

This is the part that's going to take dedication and commitment, but as you gather up all the information you'll need to become the person of your dreams, you'll find the path that will lead you from where you are today to where you belong.

I’d thought I could run
But I was burning inside
I had no where to turn
As my days call me back

I thought to forget my true identity
But the clouds won’t let go
Daily I hide away my identity
As all eyes peruse nothing here

The blind is seeing more here
While the dumb speaks of truth
And the lame runs faster; dear
Never knew life has a meaning

This no hiding place bothers
From above the call say see
“All flesh are grass in banters”
But I thought I could run
Salau O John©

Nothing ever stays the same
As life teaches many lessons
All things go through changes
We are flesh and bones

Nothing ever remain the same
And nothing will forever on earth
The truth must go on and live
Someday we’ll go without breathe

Education truly must go on
Changes must be in perfection
We are born for growth
Life seeks nothing but salvation

As we go on living this reign
Let’s count the changes we’ve plan
As life will call us back again
Even relationships must be built
Salau O John©

Nothing can change today again
You only have one life, living
Understanding may not have rain
You need your steps for today

Folding hands connotes failure
And tomorrows regret is reflecting
Life and success must be sure
Though temptations bothers all

You only have today to walk
And tomorrow pays no regret
Opportunities today not luck
Repetition may not shine light

What must be today must be
Though the world says it’s impossible
Only one chance says you’re free
The world waits this alone
Salau O John©

For more info:

Call: +234(0)8028607952 or +234(0)8029195634

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