Monday, November 2, 2009

The most Successful People work Easy, not Hard

The assumed belief in hard work leading to success is becoming more and more apparent to be a fraud in this day and age. After all, huge banking companies are failing their way to the top with incompetence that pays off in bailouts that would probably far outweigh what they would earn by working hard, smart and doing their job.

In other words, the people in power are social net workers who wink and nod, or are born into positions of wealth and opportunities to become leaders. After all, who works the hardest - the McDonald's employee working overtime in a constant state of stress and discipline or the CEO who makes deals by attending high society social functions.

Rather than work hard, work smart, and easy by attaining an atonement to nature and the universe by looking at what you would do for free and creatively turning it into a career. One of the only ways of doing this, as well as reaching the pinnacle of success is entrepreneurship, or at least breaking outside the corporate prison where others can decide for you how far you go.

I've known a lot of young women who toil in retail jobs but can get on the phone or Internet and get 100's, even 1000's of people to go to a party. Imagine how valuable a skill that could be in the viral world of Internet marketing, or event planning or arranging parties for corporate charities and events. The only blockade is an old adage that if it's fun it's not work!

Sure, even if you do something you love, your success will require a lot of effort, but it will feel effortless since you will be in tune with nature and the universe. If it feels hard, or like you're toiling, you may be going against nature and the universe and swimming upstream.

Consider the most successful businessman of the twentieth century - Bill Gates. In an interview with Barbara Walters, he was asked why he doesn't just retire and do what he enjoys. He laughed and said I am doing what I enjoy. To the rest of us, he looks as though he is working day and night, devoting his life to work. However, he never worked, he only did what he loved.

It will take a lot of courage, and it will go against everything you were conditioned to believe in government or private school, by your parents and everyone else.

Imagine what your friends would think if you were in college and a billionaire offered you millions of dollars for your idea and flatly said no. What do you think your friends would think. That's exactly what Bill Gates did when Ross Perot made him a multi-million dollar offer. Now, everyone would probably say he said no because he wasn't stupid.

So, do what you have to do let go of imprisoning thoughts - whether it's meditation, hypnosis, or whatever and do what the great explorer Richard Francis Burton once said: "Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause; He noblest lives and noblest dies who makes and keeps his self-made laws.."

This boils the mind daily
Tasking the mind to breed

It’s the thought of working, living gaily
The joy dies out each day

As days are wasted for growth
Running for others to become
The worries bother and loathe
We are trying but this success?

O the pains none understands
Waking up early sleeping late
Time rolling for others stand
Hoping and running for our own

This drain of success is killing
For who is praised for this?
No days to rest in the billings
Another day is calling again today!
Salau O John©

When you are blessed you are blessed
Nothing can stop that here
As the heavens only is pleased
No one can turn it around

Though the time may stand still
And the hours may be spent
Though you are up the hill
When the heavens decide you stand

All things may fail you out
And you cry being no one
Even your days may fail throughout
But when God decides nothing changes

As the morning after the night
And the light after the tunnel
Your fate only God alight
Though in believe God decides
Salau O John©

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