This is to extend our greeting to you for the year coming to an end and to also thank you for your friendship and reading our blog.
It’s our delight to reach you once again through this invaluable information avenue. As you know TREASURED1 CREATIVE IDEAS INT.…Nigeria’s publishing, entertainment, business, relationship and leadership Training forum is about to raise the roof. You may be wondering why we are taking our time and energies to organize this training.
1. We want you to become a shining light in your chosen field of endeavor
2. We deeply want to work towards change of status for Nigeria and Nigerian youths.
3. We want to contribute our own quota to National development.
Okay! Enough said here.
We have observed that Nigeria is growing with more young talents in different fields of arts, creativity (musicians, dancers, poets and writers) and culture of which making it is their only hope of moving forward to help each other out in the industry. Our longing is to be a part of those who will help in bringing a smile to the faces of these young upcoming and aspiring talents with/by any means possible, but through hard work, integrity of minds and trainings that will lead to better use of creativity in life, business, writings and relationship.
We have also noticed that, young Nigerians rarely have inspirational mentoring leaders to look up to with problems and rate of unemployment so frightening plus hopes and dreams being dashed in a land flowing with so many creative talents and everything needed to succeed. Should things continue like this? Instead of crying wolf we decided to be part of those who make a change for the best.
TREASURED1 CREATIVE IDEAS INT. TRAINING FORUM is designed to help you make it in that creativity of yours.
Our decision is to start from here and to continue bringing this training to you annually, making available leading Nigerian achievers who God will be using to help birth the long awaited change and mentorship our country and creative talents desperately needs to make it in all their endeavors in life.
Our decision is to start from here and to continue bringing this training to you annually, making available leading Nigerian achievers who God will be using to help birth the long awaited change and mentorship our country and creative talents desperately needs to make it in all their endeavors in life.
Just a preview of what this meeting holds for you my friend:
-Using your creativity to gain limelight in the industry
-Poetry writing tips
-Book writing and marketing tips
-Networking with people of like minds
-Financial management tips
-Q's & A's
-And lots more SEE YOU SOON...
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