Such are the visions of the hopeful dreamers who never put faith and action into their desires. What they don't realize is that the money, the trip and whatever else they wish to have must be put into creation today. Yes, that's right! This moment is when your dreams begin, not tomorrow.
Many sorrowful dreamers have reached the end of their lives in sadness and alone because they believed that once everything they wanted became reality, they would have more money, they would get closer to family and most assuredly they would make a difference to the world.
Dear friend, the time to share your life, your love and your money is today. This moment is the only point in time when you can achieve anything. While each moment continues to pass away, so does your life -- unless you decide to live it.
Don't wait until you're rich to live your life or share what you have. Give from your heart, your talents and what money you do have with joy and faith. I can assure you that God will bless you with great opportunities you would never expect as a result. This is how it works. You care about others beyond yourself and desire their success as if it were your own.
Do you believe you have nothing to give? Maybe someone only needs for you to listen or share a DVD of their favorite music. You can take someone to the grocery store when their car breaks down or you can give away nice clothes you no longer wear.
I know what you're thinking. Someone is going to take advantage of you. That's right, some people will try. But you'll lovingly and firmly teach them to stand on their own to develop their characters and find their own way. We're all in need of each other's wisdom, so never be afraid to share yours when the moment calls for a strong plan of action or an important insight.
Giving is much simpler than we make it out to be and it always blesses us with new opportunities to share. We just have to stop waiting to "get" and be ready to "give."
If you have no idea where to begin, think about someone you know that let their life slip away without event and give them something special to wake up an empty dream or fulfill an empty promise. It only takes a few words or a simple prayer.
A little goes farther than nothing
Though much is desired to succeed
The heart and body connive in receiving
A man must look for a proceed
The fact is buttered by knowledge
But without action all is damned
Who could play and not pledge?
Man without plan is doomed
All that will be can’t be
As knowledge must be used
Though all seek to be free
Those in obedience are used
We’ll get somewhere someday
Though the roads are different
Today speaks of much to relay
We all seek true affluence
Salau O John©
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