Monday, November 8, 2010


It’s yet another great and wonderful week.

I bring to you as promised, another help from one more of my books.

I believe with the message I bring to you from this book today, there’s a lesson to be shared:

Fear is something that holds many from the road to success, but basically it means “False Evidence Appearing Real” in its real acronyms put together. This means that it is something that is never seen but a make believes; and to be candid many fears are unfounded because by the time it is looked into nothing is ever found that caused the fear – it came of its own volition and disappears unexplainable.

Somehow understanding this is the best way to become victorious in life and all! (more from the book)!

The wrong fears brings us down, never allowing us to see where we are going; it is the fear of not waking up the next day, the fear of what to become, the fear of whom to marry, the fear of tomorrow and future – these all keeps us thinking and worrying.

More in the book…

The right kind of fear is to understand fear itself as a helper and overcome everything that brings the ones that will delay or limit our progress in life.

More in the book…

It is very easy to fear, so stands the same for not having to fear at all. All things are easy to those who by experience have understood that fear in it itself does not come to those who are determined against all odds to become what they believe in; those who have accepted their vision and purpose as the only life that they have got. Or how can the world make a person a hero when he/she is so scared of living that everyday there is something to run away from?

More in the book:

Failure is the art of trying and stopping through an obstacle of life created by not seeing ahead a situation that is before one. It means a crash landing on an island of life which necessitates to either rebuilding the crash landed plane and flying again or building a house on the island and staying there without another problem; or using the solution learned in the crash landing for a better sailing through to where you were going before your fall when you are rescued.

A child that has been taught from childhood to fear when grown will find it hard to stop, and he who learns the art of reading devotedly cannot be stopped in the future; the same applies to the reasons of failure. Many things have been taught to man but not how not to fail in things, career, relationship, love, and life.

More in the book:

It is very easy to overcome anything in life when we have understanding towards it. Overcoming failure is through knowing that there’s a lesson to be learned, and that every problem or failure has an expiry date to it.

More in the book:

There is nothing in the world great in any way but man, there is nothing truly great in man but is character. Character is the sum total of ones qualities which distinguishes one person from the other? A gentleman’s first characteristic is the fineness of structure in his body, fineness fitted by his nature.”

More in the book:

Thank you for reading,

Enjoy your week!

John O Olanrewaju
Poet, Author, Teacher, business manager & Publisher


  1. Beautiful write up, and I believe the book will be highly motivational. Do you mind if I share this on my blog? Thanks. 1st time on your blog though.

    1. Feel free to use it as you want to but with my byline...All the best
