Allowing ourselves to Feel angry and bitter will actually cut off our channel of blessings because it leads to selfishness, thereby keeping us distant from those we love and people in general, causing us even more distress.
If you'd like to experience happiness, it's relatively easy. It begins with caring more about what others are feeling than what you feel. If you want to be happy, unselfishness will give you a new lease on life and it will open the door to great blessings, especially when you express your love and friendship to others instead of anger or frustration.
Let's examine what else you can do.
Being grateful for even the little things in life will open up a new realm of enjoyment. Suddenly you'll see wonderful things about your life you didn't notice before and you'll begin to view the world in a different way.
Instead of expecting everyone to make you happy, you'll be looking for ways to give and share what you have. You'll be thanking God everyday just for being alive. If you're ill, there is no medicine better than joy and thankfulness as it will give you a peace that can heal the body. Certainly having a better attitude will take away stress and discouragement; two emotions that can cause both sickness and failure.
Another way to keep stress out of your life is to stop listening to bad news. Ninety-ninety percent of the news we hear is depressing. Worrying about it will not change it one bit! What can make a difference is a positive attitude that can spread to others.
It is also a good thing to have a belief in God. Without faith in God, life can seem pointless and not worth living at times. Trusting in God through prayer brings about hope and faith that we have safety and protection and that He will be with us to accomplish all things. Ultimately we will achieve a peace that goes beyond human reasoning.
Another important factor for happiness is to manage your time. Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating lists of things to do and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management that should be understood to develop an efficient personal time management skill. As you ultimately refine this skill to make the most of each of your days, you will realize greater success.
And in the midst of your planning and organizing, don't forget to laugh. Watch a funny movie, tell jokes or just laugh for no reason. But laugh everyday even if you have to force yourself to do it. Eventually it will be natural.
As you put all of this into practice you can throw in fun activities, sports and learning new things. And you can keep in mind what Abraham Lincoln had to say about happiness. He believed that most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.
What do you want out of life, happiness or sadness? The choice is yours!
Somehow we’ve met here today
Tomorrow may not be foretold
But in our today don’t delay
As I tray all I’ve learned
Maybe we were meant to meet
I know not what tomorrow holds
Maybe just for your season unfit
We are friends today but tomorrow
All that I’ve gleaned in facts
To you I sail before time
Tomorrow may be our friendship pact
We see nothing but our today
I’ve only come here to teach
To tray that I’ve only seen
As the highest knowledge none can reach
My gleaned, known, suffered, I give
Salau O John©
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