Thursday, September 24, 2009


Yes, we believe with our heart, and so we are made right with God. And we use our mouth to say that we believe, and so we are saved. Rom.10 vs.10

…If you don’t believe this message then people should not believe you. Isa.7 vs.9b

Our beliefs matters in the process of determination, because it can either limit us or help us to move forward. It must also be understood that it is only what we believe in that we put our trust or confidence in and confess.

What we listen to as well matters a great deal in our growing up to become what we want to be in life. The actual fact of talking your way to becoming great is that talking to yourself about where you are going helps in reorienting your goals and vision and gives you a more focused mind in return. It is often said that, “What you say is what you become”. Tell yourself good things every morning when you wake up looking at the mirror, and see how you will feel throughout the day.

A smart person doesn’t tell everything he knows. But a foolish person tells everything and shows he is a fool. Prov.12 vs.23

A person who talks too much gets himself into trouble. A wise person learns to be quiet. Prov.10 vs.19

This is another way out of wasting time, energy and breaking boundaries in the things a person is set to achieve or become in life.

Many have made the mistake of telling people about everything they want to do before doing it. This is wrong, as only God knows what will be on earth.

We all need to learn to keep the door of our mouth shut sometimes until the fulfillment of what we are running after. Oftentimes you don’t know who is listening to your dreams to steal or kill it before it comes to pass as it is said in a Yoruba proverb, “all lizards lie down but you do not know which as tummy ache”.

So be careful of what you are saying and learn to think before you say anything; even the devil, and your enemy has no power against what you have not voiced.

We all do fail to see
When the rain comes in boisterous
We all do let the heart flee
When our inner man let go

We cry and blame self-onward
When all things look like dead ends
We let go of prayers and words
When in being there God waits

So many things sidesteps our blessings
But worse is leaving the heart uncovered
So many things stand against reasoning
But worse is the natural to spiritual

Our world is built in the heart
Yet many understand not the times
Our lives is in spirituality alert
Yet many the earths doth chock in
Salau O John©

Don’t worry about anything. But pray and ask God for everything you need, and when you pray always give thanks. Philippians. 4 vs. 6. Pray without ceasing. 1Thess.5 vs.17 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and learn not unto thine own understanding. Prov. 3 vs. 5 — In all thy ways acknowledge him and He shall direct thy path 6

Prayer is necessary in your journey in life; it will help to eliminate any unwanted thinking; keeping your mind focused on the path you are going and making you understand that all that will be will be not by your power but Gods, the supreme ruler of all things.

Prayer stands to call all
But where is the attentive obedience?
On the mountain top non-to fall
But who can stand with confidence?

“Aside you become a prey I say”
I am that to God must forward
But many have relent, neglecting the way’
Fear and anxiety stands your board’

Man becomes a prey without prayers
And communion without closeness derails paths
Even bands and partners no banners
And nothing works when out-gone

Are you a prayer warrior or prey?
For breaking the edge is breaking pledge
Are you unrelenting or in prison?
Both ways calls you; pray and judge!
Salau O John©

Always remember the things written in that book of law. Study that book day and night. Then you can be sure to obey the things that are written there. If you do this then you will be wise and successful in everything you do. Joshua.1 vs.8

Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed but rightly dividing the word of truth 2Timothy2 vs.15.

As newborn babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby. 1Peter2 vs.2 (K-J-V)

To become what you really want to be or get really determined in your focus, you must become a reader of the word.

The word in this context is the “Bible”, the word of God, because it holds the key to unlocking many doors, in business, finance, etc. Being focused is the map to health, wealth and anything imaginable on earth, even in the world beyond.

Honor the Lord with your wealth. Give him the best you have. Then you will have all you need. Your barns will be full of grain and your barrels will be flowing over with wine. Prov.3 vs. 9 — 10 If a person gives freely, then he will gain even more. But if a person refuses to give then he will become poor. A person who gives freely will profit. If you help others, then you will gain more for yourself. Prov.11 vs.24 — 25

The Lord All-Powerful says, “Try this test. Bring one-tenth of your things to me. Put those things in the treasury. Bring food to my house. Test me if you do those things. Then I will truly bless you. Good things will come to you like rain falling from the sky. You will have more than enough of everything. Malachi.3 vs.10

This is another area of becoming what you want to be in life, an aspect that many have found difficult to work in.

Giving is a command of God to increase you and it eliminate the burden of trusting in anything else but God. It helps to show that your source in life is God and nothing else. And truly to increase and become anything without being a giver is not an easy way to life. (Giving of these is important: tithes, offerings, helps, pastoral offerings, charities etc)

Lazy person, you should become like the ants. See what the ant does. Learn from the ants…Prov.6 vs. 6 — 8.
Every time you find work to do, do it the best you can. Eccl.9 vs.10

Many have talked and talked without taking the necessary steps to become anything. The fact is no one can become anything in this life without taking a bold step in the direction of it. It is better to do something than talking about it.

Mountains are never climbed from the top
Houses are never built from the roof
And races are not won through the end
But a human in swiftness runs aloof

Top businesses are from the scratch to finish
And man is first a child alive
All trees from seeds must flourish
But men from success wish a start

Everything, life itself is a process
From buds to maturity, a stage
Every animal from infancy must progress
But human beings are but impatience

Small beginnings becomes big endings
And imperfection is little by little perfection
But not all awaits that small beginning
And all things on top will outshine
Salau O John©

A fool will believe anything he hears. But a wise man thinks carefully about everything. Prov.14 vs.15

Being excited about something is not enough. You must also know what you are doing. You should not rush into something or you will do it wrong Prov.19 vs.2.

Get good advice before you make plans. If you are starting a war, find people to guide you. Prov.20 vs.18 Prove (test) all things. Hold fast that which is good. 1Thess.5 vs.21 (K-J-V)

This is an important fact in being determined because it helps you to be more focused in the direction of a goal. A person who asks for direction never misses the road; and anybody who makes a good research in the right direction to follow to become whatever, will always find out that making it in anything is easy, if the way is known.

You will need to study the paths that others have tread to become who they are, or found out their mistakes; what makes them tick in their pursuit in life and their goals, or what motivate them after all they must have gone through.

From the Book: The Power Of Determination
Coming Soon from: Treasured1 Creative Ideas Int.
By: Salau O John or

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