Monday, March 8, 2010

Keep A Joyful Spirit

Lately I've been having so much to do and think about that keeping a joyful heart and mind seems far-fetch for me but after much thought about everything and looking at the past and present of things, I guess I just have to thank God for everything He has done and He's still doing, knowing that everything in life are temporary, and the best is always in front after all.

The blessing is in being thankful and working towards the future with a focused and understanding mind.

Do you find yourself stressed with worry over work and your personal life like I've been?   Do you want more peace, but it doesn't seem to come? What should you do?

According to Philippians 4:6-7 we're to keep the right attitude and when we do, we'll have success in growing our money or whatever it is we put our faith over.

All we need to do is to be thankful and not worry. Not worrying means that we are at peace and can therefore experience joy.

So if you feel that all you do is prepare for future joyful times instead of live them and you find sayings such as "live each day as if it were your last" difficult to live by, I believe the following information can help you.

Train yourself to be joyful by creating joyful moments. Take time outside of work and dealing with the issues of life to relax, play, laugh and get away to unknown places. Experiencing joyful times can take some extra effort on your part. The truth is, it's a choice. We live in busier and busier times and must remember to schedule time to slow down and enjoy life in the present.

Everyone has a unique definition of what joy means to them. Even on your busiest of days, take time to reflect upon what is important in your life, and then live it according to a schedule that you create. Taking action to live a certain way will guarantee your success in achieving what it is you desire to do.

A Guide For Turning Stress Into Joy:
 1. Spend quality time with family sharing meal times. You can find much joy in just spending some quality time with your loved ones at home. Some people might enjoy family game night, week-end get aways or just simple times to talk together.

2. Relax with an activity or hobby you enjoy. If you're always busy cleaning around the house and working on your job, learn to unwind by finding a relaxing activity such as a computer game, reading or visiting friends.

3. Take nature walks with your family or alone to get in touch with yourself and God. Let the peace and quiet of a relaxed environment sooth you back to a peaceful calm. Nothing brings you into the moment like a soft slap in the face of fresh air and nature. Allow feelings of well-being and joy to wash over you and cleanse your soul.

4. Make an effort to be stress-free. The biggest threats to a joyful life are the stresses and anxiety that arise in day-to-day life. Don't allow these feelings to build up or they can take away from your opportunities for joy. Deal with stressful situations as they come up so that they don't turn into long-term stressful scenarios.

Develop a pattern of well-being that works for you and stick to it. In time you'll find that even though joy is a simple emotion, it's charged full of new life.
Sometimes we go through it
Other times we relent in this
Daily our hearts goes to fit
As we make the choice of life

Who knows who understand this?
Whether good or bad tomorrow
Today will speak bad or bliss
As we walk on becoming something

In relationship and life, the choice
What will tomorrow hold for us?
The mind pose that we choose
Though thinking may have died out

In love and business many things
We overlook this and work that
How our lives calls for reigning
These choices will burn maybe tomorrow
Salau O John©

Daily we go on with different situations
Trying to breathe different facts out
Though seeing so many things, no consolation
Higher or lower we are compelled

Situations differs to all in bliss
Whether sorrowful or joyful we go
The trailing and training of all these
We are humans in our connotations

We go on again breaking rules
Running the race life offers all
Friends or enemies may toil
But we all do get there

O for knowledge to brood all!
The heart lingers over living choices
We are making the calls to ball
Our common life is calling onward
Salau O John©
I know I was born for something
Something bigger than me here
Though I see the picture in reigning
My days speaks so many things

What could I but do today?
I can sing, write, teach and speak
I look for a leading, my way
But the mentors have sworn nothing

I had gone through lives rough bends
And in understanding I’d learned
So many things comes without end
I live today in my tend

I go today in love and life
Has I’ve seen tomorrow today
I fear nothing in this light
As on the way I start displaying
Salau O John©

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