Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hi  Friend,

Just little of love for you in this season of love. Hoping you'll love this piece to help you out in your planning for that big break in your career and success.

Can you really find a career you love?

Is it really possible to wake up on a Monday morning and WANT to go to work?

If you believe the results of a recent 2007 survey by Nigerian based "The Conference Board Inc." it's not very likely. The survey revealed that more than 50% of the workforce is unhappy.

Some of these people are dissatisfied with the conditions at their workplace. Such things as rates of pay, co-workers, job security, physical working conditions, benefits, or even their boss, affect job satisfaction.

For these people, a change in pay or recognition for something achieved may be enough to improve their situation.

But all the other unhappy people are not satisfied with the actual tasks they are doing in their job. The only way they will be happier is if they do something totally different - i.e., take a different career direction.

These people didn't ask the right questions in the first place to avoid making the wrong career decision.

The biggest thing preventing you from getting a career you love... believe it or not... is YOU!

Many people are simply not prepared to put in the effort needed, preferring to take the easy way out and accept second best... or maybe even whatever seemed like a good idea at the time.

And that is such a huge shame!
It's important to realize that choosing a career (or changing careers) is right up there with getting married, having kids, and buying a house.

It is one of THE most important decisions you will EVER make in your lifetime!

You spend more than half of almost every day of your life either at work, or travelling to and from work.

And what happens at work, whether it's good or bad, affects ALL the other aspects of your life - your health, family, finances, relationships, self-esteem and so on.

Choosing a career is NOT something that can be done in less than five minutes, but unfortunately, that's how much thought some people put into it.

Choosing a career involves:
1. Looking closely at yourself
2. Researching jobs which might be suitable
3. Being able to make a decision, and
4. Acting on, and being happy with, that decision.
The first of these steps in finding a career you love is "self-discovery".

It looks at such things as:
* The things you like and dislike doing
* The things you are good and bad at doing
* The skills you have or need to get
* Your achievements to date, and what you want to achieve in the future
* Your family background
* Your attitudes, values and personal style.
Many people find it extremely difficult, if not even threateningly impossible, to answer such questions about "me".

But a thorough, honest and realistic self-assessment is vital if you are to gather the necessary information to make a good career decision... if you are to find a career you might love to do!

Because once you are armed with all this information about yourself, you'll start to get a really good picture of career areas most suited to you.

And just as important, you'll have a much better idea of what does NOT suit you!

Then it's time to do some more research... this time into the different types of specific jobs available in the area you are suited to.

Find out such things as:
What training is required?
Where can you do it?
What duties/tasks are involved in the job?
What hours will I work?
How will it impact on my lifestyle?
What companies offer work in this field? Where?
What opportunities are available for future advancement?
There are always many hard questions that come up that need answers in the pursuit of the ideal career.

For example... suppose you find out you need to do a four-year training course in a different town.
Are you prepared to move?
How can you support yourself?
Are you going to "have a go" and see what happens? Or are you going to be committed and stick with your decision?

What's going to happen if you have to go in a different direction?

Do you have a "plan B" that you will be just as happy with?
You can see why so many people give up chasing a career they might love. It is just so much easier to take the path of least resistance.

Are you going to get what you want from your career? From your life?
Or are you going to settle for second best?

Now go and Accelerate Your Effectiveness! Love you lots!

To your success,
Salau O John
My intuition; I was born with it
My abilities; I found none like me
Daily I practice to keep fit
As a man my heart is free

Who is like me I search
I am me created different
My talent daily I unleash
All that I’ve given not for affluence

I have made my mind up
Turning back I can’t fathom
Always to do nothing to flop
Giving to all in true wisdom

My life for others future kingdom
Today I am only somebody now
One day someone comes for this freedom
I leave my pant, none like me
Salau O John©

For love, for comfort, my everything
But I’ve seen men’s camouflage
In words, charity, conversation I fling
The word in deception betrays me

How many have built this day?
The word not character flow
My friends laugh behind me today
I beckon on future in truth

Who gives and understanding?
Selfishness has woken up again
I betray not that which reign
Life like God my time given

All the world y time given
The nature of men to release
But truth burns men’s refrains
All to give for blessings sake
Salau O John©
Just a few days here:
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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Family Comes First

I can't count the many times I've heard someone complaining that they're a failure. In fact, I think I hear my own voice echoing similar remarks during times of discouragement in my youth.

The truth is that God didn't create failures. He created us after His own image. Therefore, we're extremely loving, creative and intelligent beings who can choose to see value in our lives if we desire because we have also been given a free will. This means that we have a choice to believe whatever reality about ourselves we want.

Therefore we can also choose how we think about success. Instead of making it a gauge for how much money we earn or what type of job we have, we need to use it as a measure for the joy and fulfillment we have from putting family first.

We'll become rich from the inside out with the result of a higher confidence level and self-esteem. This is where wealth begins and our humanity grows to ultimately prosper us in areas of financial and career growth. When we label ourselves as failures, we deny the value of our lives and families.

We're creating a legacy for our children to be discontented and unappreciative of the sheer joy of being alive. Putting family first gives ultimate value to our lives and life in general. You'll find that making this commitment will give your life more quality and depth. On trips to visit the elderly in rest homes I saw many lonely people whose children never visited.

I can't say for sure, but had they put their families first, they might have had the wealth of a child, relative or friend by their side. I've heard many wealthy people express sorrow over the fact that they had put earning money and job status before their families, having believed for most of their lives that the wealth of money had been enough to sustain their relationships. Now alone and perhaps "hated" by their families, they reach the end of their lives, "humanity poor" with no understanding of how to undo the damage.

After all, they had been experts at earning money not how to love their families. Insure today that you let your family know they come first. When you make a commitment to do something with or for them, don't let work make you break your promise. Keeping your word to your family should be as important as keeping it to your employer or clients. Take special time to organize outings together and vacations that will help you bond as well as a time to relax from work and think about enjoying your life.

Living only for work will eventually make you a lonely person who is estranged from the true meaning of life and true giving – of yourself, not money! I've always promoted a well rounded balance in life. I'm also the first to admit it's easy, especially when you love your work to put it first, but at the end of the day all that really counts is having a family that will be there for you when work doesn't go quite right, or if you need emotional support to get through difficult times.

Even more important is the support you give to them. Work can't fill you with the warmth that being needed by those you love can give. If or when you start to complain that you're a failure, think about the faces of those you love and you'll see a vision of true success.
So many things to run after
As daily the future is built
But many are running for cover
As being selfish is killing tomorrow

What will be left after Adieu?
A question for all to bear
Who will take the actual due?
As all must go their onward way

Children are crying for leadership
O for the pains we build
Who will curb this courtship?
Tomorrow will speak nothing matters

Will our death speak our truth?
A question for the children coming
What will our light on bout?
Today speaks of tomorrow after
Salau O John©

This boils on homeward alive
Man must work to strive
Though love is praying for time
Our understanding calls our prime

The future is calling for balance
Though the stress makes no reliance
This issue is killing factual love
As daily misunderstanding revolves

There’s no time but created time
The chance boils on for seeing
Though we truly prime the prime
Our hearts cry out for time

Where shall we go from here?
Wealth is called upon to help
As family matters boils here
The time will call us on
Salau O John©

This boils the mind daily
Tasking the mind to breed
It’s the thought of working, living gaily
The joy dies out each day

As days are wasted for growth
Running for others to become
The worries bother and loathe
We are trying but this success?

O the pains none understands
Waking up early sleeping late
Time rolling for others stand
Hoping and running for our own

This drain of success is killing
For who is praised for this?
No days to rest in the billings
Another day is calling again today!
Salau O John©

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