Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ways to Move Right On

Every day is a new day.
Every morning when you wake up is a new beginning. Forget yesterday's trials and tribulations and just sit a while and mentally plan the day ahead. What could prove challenging? How can you plan ahead to deal with it? Perhaps a packed lunch prepared now could avert a foray into the staffroom biscuit barrel later onor an array of what to do list? Think, plan, do. We all screw up at times – whether it concerns our business, our relationships or our health. It happens. The only people with no problems at all in life are six feet under.

Yell a mental 'stop!'
Slow down, forgive yourself and move on. You're learning a whole new way of living after years of fretting over life's issues. To expect perfection is unrealistic – and you know it even though you can't abide it when you falter. Sometimes there seem to be so many obstacles and temptations that it's just so dam hard and you question if it's all going to be worth it. Maybe making a meaning in life is not all its cracked up to be. Believe me, it is. Regroup, regroup. YOU CAN DO THIS. The binge is over and now we dust ourselves down and start over.

See this as a journey, not a 'marraton'
Just take life one step at a time and do what you must to make a meaning in your cause of action in it. The process of understanding what you want and planning for it is in your hands and none other can help you get there without your permision. no one holds the permission for you to be a success in life. You can dwell on your past misfortuns or use it to accellerate yourself to a better position in the long run.

Remember we decided that obstacles are inevitable? A binge is an obstacle and obstacles are surmountable.

Whenever I hear the word 'obstacle' I think immediately of that SuperMario game when the little guy is racing along in a car at dizzying speed as mountains loom whilst large rocks and showers of bouncing boulders continually try to thwart his efforts. What does he do? Well, he doesn't stop. He goes over, around, under and every which way to get past these temporary blocks. I'll let you think about that.

Keep your eyes on the prize
The only way to stay on track is to want it so badly that you will do whatever it takes to succeed. Why do you want this? Yes you want to be free but why exactly? To live to see your grandkids laugh, able to provide all your family needs? To make a meaning for others in life? Only you know. Stay intensely focused on what you want, never give up on reaching for it REGARDLESS OF WHAT GETS IN YOUR WAY and your success is guaranteed.
Why fret your worry line?
The words are true in hearts tie
Is it the distance out of sight unkind?
But the words do ply on high

Fret not your heart and mind
The situation stands coined of God
And words lay your ways and time
It’s far, but heeds thou the word

Here lies the promise of love
Two hearts joined in words non bluff
Though out of sight sounds a fight
Yet are the promise made in plight

The woman and the man a worried heart
But trust, understanding from the world apart
And the words from two did set them alert
It’s time for the no worry say
Salau O John©

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